Dear Representative Dunshee,
Have you ever wondered what is hidden in fast food products such as McDonalds? Well, most people say that they put genetically modified food. So in my opinion, you should make a law in Mill Creek that fast food restaurants have to label their products. Like for example, when I was about seven years old, I was starving so my family and I went through the drive-through at McDonalds I enjoyed my little meal and after a few hours later in the day, my stomach started hurting. So I think that fast food restaurants should label their GMO food products.
My first reason is that eating way too much fast food can cause stroke. The amounts of sodium the people who work at fast food restaurants put can lead you to high blood pressure. So then, the high blood pressure can give you a risk of getting stroke. According to the study published in the “Annals of Neurology” in August 2009,”The risk of stroke may be related to how many fast food restaurants in the neighborhood.”
Also, I think that fast food restaurants should have their food products labeled because 92% consumers agree to have genetically modified organisms labeled. A half of Americans are aware that a large amount of the processed or packaged foods we now buy at markets contain genetically modified ingredients. Although just a handful of GMO fruits and veggies are sold in supermarkets, about 4/10 of the people responded that most or a lot of their fruits and veggies are genetically modified.
My third reason is that from eating too much fast food can cause tooth decay. All the sugar in the beverages encourages bacteria to create acid that eats away your tooth enamel. Which will eventually make you lead to tooth decay. Every time bacteria comes in contact to sugar or starch in the mouth, it can create an acid that can attack your teeth for 20 minutes or more, according to the American Dental Association. Some soft drinks can contain up to 11 teaspoons of sugar in each serving.
So in conclusion, I think there should be a law that says fast food restaurants have to label their products. So that other people here in Mill Creek can make better choices and be healthy.