OLYMPIA – Rep. Jeff Morris (D-Mount Vernon) said the transportation revenue proposal unveiled by the House Transportation Committee today recognizes the vital project needs in the 40th legislative district.
In total, the revenue proposal includes $39.9 million for seven projects in the district.
“I’m pleased to see many of the transportation needs in the 40th district are being addressed in the House revenue package,” Morris said. “I’m particularly glad to see $3.5 million set aside for the Guemes Channel Trail. This is an important project for the City of Anacortes.”
“On behalf of the City of Anacortes, we are very appreciative of Representatives Kris Lytton’s and Jeff Morris’s support of the Guemes Channel Trail Project,” Anacortes Mayor Laurie Gere said. “The Guemes Channel Trail is a community gem that improves our quality of life and provides waterfront accessibility to all. It will provide important access from the west end of Fidalgo Island, Washington Park, and the Washington State Ferries to downtown Anacortes, the Tommy Thompson Trail and on to a Regional Park and Ride and transportation connection on Highway 20 at March Point.“
Morris said the seven items address much-needed projects for the district’s highways – including the I-5/Slater Road interchange; local projects – such as the Burlington North overpass replacement; and bike and pedestrian projects – including the Guemes Trail and the Washington Park to ferry terminal trail.
Morris was also able to include a study on the feasibility of using federal dollars out of the “EB-5 Immigrant Investor program” to build a new, safer ferry for the Anacortes-to-Sydney route. The study is due to the Legislature by Dec. 1, 2015.
“I’d like to thank Chair Clibborn and the Transportation Committee for reviewing our project needs and providing the funds to make them a reality,” Morris said.
House and Senate transportation budget writers will now negotiate a final budget for a vote by both chambers, which is expected toward the end of the regular legislative session in two weeks.
Here’s a list of 40th district projects in the House proposal:
$20,000,000: I-5/Slater Road Interchange
$13,000,000: Sharpes Corner Vicinity Intersection:
$750,000: Washington Park to Ferry Terminal Trail
$250,000: Trestle – Park & Ride – Trail
$3,500,000: Guemes Channel Trail
Local programs
$2,000,000: Burlington N Overpass Replacement
$350,000: Mackaye Harbor Road Relocation Study