Friends, I know you are all aware that we are in a “Special Session.”
Unfortunately, the House and the Senate Republicans could not come to consensus regarding the budget. The Senate’s version of negotiating is to point fingers and refuse to come to the table willing to make a serious effort to resolve our differences. Frankly, Democrats are not willing to cut $75 million out of the State Need Grant, nor are we willing to drain the education and prevention funding set up by I-502, the marijuana initiative, nor do we want to pass a major property tax increase that would raise taxes on 60% of citizens. But we are willing to sit down and discuss our differences and find common ground to get the job done.
Our idea of a budget is to invest in the future, not dismantle socials services and short change communities. Our budget increases funding for K-12 education, adding all-day kindergarten statewide, reducing class sizes for K-13 and provide funding for things like textbooks and classroom supplies. We are also investing in programs to help kids get ready for college. Plus we want to give teachers and school employees an overdue cost of living increase.
We need a work force for tomorrow, so we must invest in education. The House budget freezes college tuition, and increases the funds for the State Need Grant. We want promising students, no matter what their income, to have an opportunity for higher education. We will need their knowledge and expertise in the future if we want Washington to continue to prosper.
Our current mental health system leaves too many people with mental illnesses out on the streets. The House budget includes much needed funding for mental health facilities and programs. I cannot imagine a community that does not want to protect and support the most vulnerable so the House budget invests in social service programs for the elderly and needy families.
To me the budget is about what we value, it’s about education, a clean environment, safe roads, healthy communities and prosperous businesses.
As negotiations progress I will continue to keep you updated so please feel free contact my office if have any questions.
Rep. Jim Moeller