OLYMPIA – Tomorrow morning the governor will sign Rep. Brady Walkinshaw’s (D – Seattle) bill to make life-saving heroin overdose medication available to first responders, community providers, and family members and friends of users.
Heroin use has significantly increased in Seattle and statewide, and Walkinshaw’s bill will give emergency overdose medication to the people closest to users.
Opioid antagonists like naloxone — commonly known as brand name Narcan — save lives by reversing the effects of a heroin overdose. But under current law, access to heroin overdose drugs like Narcan is restricted to licensed health care professionals and those with prescriptions.
“We have a life-saving tool at our disposal to save families from losing loved ones to increasing heroin addiction in our communities,” Walkinshaw said. “But we haven’t put that tool in the hands of those best prepared to save addicts – their friends and family. Shortly, this bill will save lives.”
WHAT: Governor Inslee signing Rep. Walkinshaw’s opioid antagonist bill
WHERE: Governor’s Conference Room, Legislative Building, Suite 200
WHEN: Tomorrow, May 8, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.