Sunday, June 28, 2015
Statement from Rep. Judy Clibborn on the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Agreement
House Transportation Chair Judy Clibborn (D-Mercer Island) has issued the following statement in response to the agreement reached between Governor Inslee and Senate Republicans on the low carbon fuel standard provisions of a transportation revenue package:
“I want to commend Governor Inslee for his pragmatic leadership in successfully negotiating a deal on the low carbon fuel standard with Senate Republicans. Since taking office he has been committed to building a modern transportation system that will create jobs and fight gridlock, and today we are one step closer to that goal.
The low carbon fuel standard was one of the few remaining points of contention in negotiations over the transportation revenue package. I remain confident that we can pass such a package before concluding our work this year.”
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For interviews or more information:
Rep. Judy Clibborn, 360-786-7926 or
Staff: Quinn Majeski, 360-786-7225 or