Washington State House Democrats


Joint Statement from Legislative Transportation Leaders on the Revenue Package Agreement

Monday, June 29, 2015

Joint Statement from Legislative Transportation Leaders on the Revenue Package Agreement

Representative Judy Clibborn (D-Mercer Island), Senators Curtis King (R-Yakima), Joe Fain (R-Auburn), and Steve Hobbs (D-Lake Stevens) have issued the following statement announcing the details of the transportation revenue package deal:

“We are excited to unveil the details of a transportation revenue package agreement that will fund the infrastructure and services necessary to bring our transportation system into the 21st century.

“These new investments will grow our economy and create jobs: as many as 100,000 over sixteen years. It will help unclog congested roadways and provide transportation choices. It will allow communities to make transportation decisions locally. And it will institute reforms to ensure taxpayer dollars are being spent efficiently and effectively.

“No one got everything they wanted in this deal; that is the nature of compromise. But there is something for everyone to hang their hat on, and this agreement will improve the lives of Washingtonians in every corner of the state.”

The $16.1 billion package is funded by an 11.9 cent gas tax increase and various fees. It allocates $8.8 billion to state and local road projects, $1.4 billion to maintenance and preservation, and nearly $1 billion for multimodal projects – a record high for state investment. Sound Transit will also receive the authority to seek voter approval for $15 billion in future projects, creating another 100,000 jobs in the process.

Additional details and project lists available on the LEAP website: https://leap.leg.wa.gov/leap/budget/detail/2015/st1517p.asp

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For interviews or more information:

Rep. Clibborn: Quinn Majeski, 360-786-7225 or quinn.majeski@leg.wa.gov

Sen. King: Liz Coleman, 360-786-7395 or liz.coleman@leg.wa.gov

Sen. Fain: Joe Adamack, 360-786-7519 or joe.adamack@leg.wa.gov

Sen. Hobbs: Aaron Wasser, 360-786-7333 or aaron.wasser@leg.wa.gov