Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Fall is here, school is back in session, and, believe it or not, I’ve already started preparing for next session. With session running so long this year, I’ve tried to spend as much time as I can in district. This has been a bit challenging, though, due to the Supreme Court-ordered sanctions back in August for failing to come up with a plan to adequately fund K-12 education.
For a while, we were unsure what action the Governor would take. But, each of the four caucuses committed to participating in a McCleary Plan Workgroup, and I am honored to have been appointed by the House Democrats to serve as member of this group. We’ve already met, and we all have committed to creating a plan that fulfills our constitutional obligation to fully fund basic, quality education.
Senate Listening Tour
I’ve recently received many emails regarding my participation on the education listening tour around the state. These meetings are hosted by the Senate as part of its Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee interim plan. As the House and Senate Committees have separate interim plans, I will not be joining the participating senators on the tour. I encourage you to contact your senator’s office with any questions.
Water Work in Progress
Clean, abundant water has been taken for granted as a free, unlimited resource. However, as Washington witnesses dramatic population growth and climate change, we know that water is not unlimited or free. As you know, this is a particularly critical issue in the 40th Legislative District as it includes the Skagit River. Population growth and associated development increase the demand on this resource. Consequently, this also leads to contamination and increases pollution problems.
This past session, I introduced HB 1793 which would require counties and cities to provide a suite of tools for alternative ways to obtain water. It failed to make it out of the Senate, but work continues on this issue. Additionally, I’ve been visiting with many constituents in the district who have been greatly affected by the state’s current water policy. I appreciate their concerns and am committed to working with them on legislation that focuses on ensuring the future of water quantity and quality.
What are your priorities?
What’s most important to you? Please take this quick survey. Let me know what your priorities are, and if you’d like to get together to discuss them!
You’re always welcome to call my office (360.786.7800) or email me at with questions or comments.
Warm Regards,