Lawmakers from the House Technology and Economic Development Committee, which has jurisdiction on technology, energy, and state economic development issues, will meet with Montana legislators concerned about the longevity of coal plants 1 and 2 in Colstrip, Montana.
Led by Committee Chair Jeff Morris, D-Mount Vernon, and Committee Ranking Minority Leader Norma Smith, R-Clinton, the group will have an informal roundtable with a bipartisan group of Montana legislators led by Sen. Duane Ankney, R-Colstrip, and Sen. Cliff Larsen, D-Bozeman to discuss the coal facility. After the meeting, the group will tour the Colstrip coal facility.
“This follows up on conversations we had in Big Sky, Montana in July. Unfortunately, with both of our states in legislative session, not much time was available for direct constructive conversation. We are looking for win-win solutions to both of our state’s needs. I appreciate Rep. Smith, Sen. Ankney and Sen. Larsen for their bipartisan willingness to look for solutions,” said Rep. Morris.
“This issue is complex, and has an impact on ratepayers in Washington state and jobs in Montana. We need to have a mutual understanding of our options and work together to craft a responsible solution.” said Rep. Smith.
For interviews or more information:
Rep. Jeff Morris, 360-786-7970 or
Staff: Quinn Majeski, 360-786-7225 or
Rep. Norma Smith, 360-786-7884 or
Staff: Nick Jacob, 360-786-5097 or