As your representative in the Washington State Legislature, I send occasional email updates designed to keep you informed about the issues being debated in Olympia that may impact our community and Washington state. If you received this message in error or do not want to receive email updates from me, click here to unsubscribe from my email list.
Greetings from Olympia! We are just about one third of the way through this legislative session. Thank you to all of those who have emailed, called and met with me about the bills and issues you are passionate about and would like me to keep an eye on. I wanted to take this chance to share some of the work I’ve been doing on your behalf.
Leadership Role
I am pleased to announce that, before the start of session, my colleagues elected me House Majority Floor Leader.
I have replaced Representative Kristine Lytton (D-40th), who has moved on to become the chair of the Finance Committee. I am deeply honored to serve in this leadership role.
I would also like to take a moment to congratulate my seatmate of the last three years, now-Senator Reuven Carlyle, on his appointment to the Senate, as well as his replacement in the House, Representative Noel Frame. We look forward to continuing to represent the people of the 36th District, and all of Washington.
Education WINS in WA House of Representatives
This week was a big week for education in Washington State.
Your House of Representatives voted to strengthen public education and give our 1 million kids in public schools greater opportunities to learn.
Among the bills we approved this week:
Breakfast After the Bell – The reality is that too many kids go to school hungry, and that’s why I voted for House Bill 1295. The research is clear: when children aren’t hungry, their school attendance is better, discipline problems improve, and students learn more effectively. This is about feeding kids so that they can concentrate on doing well in school.
Staying on Track to Fund Kids – We’re still working on fulfilling our promise to fully fund our students and teachers. I voted in support of House Bill 2366, which defines the milestones we must achieve to pay teachers with state dollars by 2018. There’s more work to do to raise the revenues that will end the unconstitutional practice of depending on local levies to pay for teachers in our public schools. It’s time once and for all for the state to meet its paramount duty to fully fund K-12 students so that every child has a fair shot at an excellent education.
My Legislative Priorities
Many of the bills I’ve sponsored this session have been inspired by my constituents.
Your ideas help me figure out how to improve the quality of life in all our communities.
I’ve introduced a number of bills this session, which you can review here.
I’d like to highlight a couple of bills that will support jobs for our middle class and protect our environment as we push for a clean-energy economy.
Building new boats for the North Pacific fishing fleet. My House Bill 2182 will help modernize our maritime and fishing facilities to sustain our North Pacific fishing fleet homeported at Fishermen’s Terminal. This bill passed out the policy committee with unanimous bi-partisan support and is scheduled for a hearing in the Finance Committee on February 5th.
As the U.S. Government gets ready to authorize the rebuilding of America’s fishing boats and provide federal loans to fishing vessel owners, this legislation would create incentives for owners to pursue federal loans at competitive interest rates. Washington must become the national hub for new fishing vessel construction, potentially securing billions of federal dollars to modernize the fleet and our maritime facilities.
Our fishing industry generates tens of thousands of jobs and this is our chance to secure these jobs for our state.
Let’s Go Solar. I’m delighted to report that this week, House Bill 2346 regarding solar installation incentives passed out of committee with overwhelming bi-partisan support and is scheduled to be heard in the Finance Committee on February 5th.
Many thanks to all the stakeholders for your work on this legislation during the past three years. These past six months, I worked closely with many of you and the bill’s prime sponsor to be sure consumers would have a new program to “go solar” when the current program expires later this year.
It’s a big lift to get this legislation approved by both the House and Senate. But I am determined to keep making the case that we must invest today in clean energy solutions so that we avoid the substantial costs associated with carbon pollution and climate change in the years ahead. Solar power must be more affordable and accessible to all our communities.
There’s a Job for Everyone Out There. But first every child needs a high school diploma. I am proud to co-sponsor House Bill 2868, which will expand student access to high school career and technical opportunities in STEM fields.
The legislation makes it possible for students to meet their high school graduation requirements while earning credits toward post-secondary degrees or credentials. What we’re learning is that 70 percent of the jobs in Washington State require workers with technical skills in the trades.
When we help students complete apprenticeships and certifications faster, we make college and manufacturing accreditations more affordable.
Please meet my Legislative Assistant, Elka!
It’s wonderful to have Elka Peterson Horner here in Olympia this session after starting her job with me last July. While she moved to Seattle to attend UW’s Evans School of Public Policy and Governance in 2013, her family ties to Ballard go back much further than that.
She recently found the name of her great-great grandfather on the Leif Erikson Statue at Shilshole Bay! Some of you may have already met or talked to her, but please don’t hesitate to call her with your questions so that you can get to know her.
Come Visit Us at our 36th LD Town Hall.
Senator Carlyle, Representative Frame and I will be back in Seattle on Saturday, February 20th for a Town Hall. I invite all of you to attend. It will be a great opportunity for us to hear your perspectives about our work in Olympia, and how we’re addressing the things you care about the most.
- Date: Saturday, February 20th
Time: 10 a.m. – 12 noon
Location: Belltown Community Center, 415 Bell Street, Seattle WA 98121
February 15th, Presidents Day, is the annual 36th Legislative District Lobby day.
Constituents from the 36th will be making the trip to Olympia to check in with us, your legislators. I would love for as many of you as possible to visit. Days like February 15th make me particularly proud to be your Representative.
Please feel free to contact my office with your questions and concerns as we move forward in the session, I always appreciate hearing from you.
Your voice in Olympia,