Legislative News from Representative Jessyn Farrell (D-Seattle, 46th LD)
February 3, 2016
Statement from Rep. Jessyn Farrell on passage of bill to obstruct worker rights
OLYMPIA – Rep. Jessyn Farrell has issued the following statement regarding Senate Bill 6578 that would prohibit cities from enacting minimum wage increases or additional worker protections. The bill passed out of the Senate Committee on Commerce & Labor today.
“House Democrats are committed to rebuilding the middle class. Last year we passed legislation to help hard-working Washingtonians, including passing bills to enact a statewide increase in the minimum wage and paid sick and safe leave for workers across the state. Both of these measures passed out of the House only to die in the Senate.
“As if it weren’t enough that the Republican-controlled Senate refused to take action on raising the minimum wage or providing paid sick and safe leave, they are now attempting to preempt cities from enacting higher minimum wage standards, paid sick and safe leave and other protections for workers. While cities that have already increased worker protections would be grandfathered in under this bill, other jurisdictions should continue to be able to make decisions about what works best for their economies and their residents.
“Our economy depends on a healthy and productive workforce. We need to make sure that employees who work hard aren’t struggling to make ends meet or being forced to choose between going to work sick or missing a rent payment Raising the wage and providing safe and sick leave are necessary to build an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy few.”