Statement from Rep. Jessyn Farrell on her vote against House Bill 2362, regarding policy body cameras
“Today I voted against House Bill 2362 because I believe that we should not be putting up barriers to accessing the recordings from police body cameras and where regulations or restrictions on access are appropriate, the citizens of Washington deserve to have a voice in that process.
“The bill that passed out of the House today will make it too easy for local law enforcement agencies to claim that a recording is exempt from the public records act. However, the biggest burden to accessing the records will be the cost that law enforcement can impose on requesters for redacting sensitive information. We cannot leave the task of holding law enforcement accountable only to those who can afford to pay the fees; this is a responsibility that is better shared across the community.
“I understand that police body cameras represent a new and changing face of law enforcement and police accountability and that these changes necessitate policies and procedures for protecting the privacy of citizens. I believe that body cameras can be a positive tool for law enforcement and communities alike. But, in order to create policies that work for everyone, we need to include community members at the table when decisions are being made.
“I am committed to working with my colleagues on this legislation and I hope that we will be able to come to a compromise that I can support.”