Legislative News from Representatives Jessyn Farrell (D-Seattle, 46th LD)
March 28, 2016
Statement from Rep. Jessyn Farrell on passage of 2016 Supplemental Budget
OLYMPIA – Rep. Jessyn Farrell has issued the following statement regarding her vote in support of the 2016 Supplemental Budget agreement that passed out of the legislature today.
“At the beginning of the legislative session, I came together with a group of colleagues calling for action this session on the pressing issues facing our K-12 students. Today, I voted for operating and capital budgets that make investments in the most critical areas – keeping homeless students near their schools; easing the teacher shortage; improving the opportunity gap; and reducing overcrowded classrooms.
“While I am disappointed that the legislature is not making more progress on our moral and legal obligation to fully fund K-12 education, I voted to take important steps to improve the academic outlook for many of our students. House Democrats are committed to rebuilding the middle class and we know that a great education provides a pathway to future success.
“In addition to the investments in education, I supported a budget that addressed some of the emergencies facing our state, including improvements to the state’s mental health system; increasing wages for family child care providers; and giving state parks the funding needed to provide us all with great opportunities to get outside.”