Obama administration steps up efforts to protect Puget Sound
Refuge occupier Bundy urges jurors to ‘stand for freedom’
WSU medical school gets preliminary accreditation
Aberdeen Daily World
Gateway Center proponents plead case to county
State unemployment rate dips again in September
The Daily News
I-1433: Measure would boost minimum wage 42% over three years
Everett Herald (subscription required)
What Snohomish County would pay — and what ST3 would deliver
‘It’s about time’: Financial literacy standards for students
Federal Way Mirror
Federal Way Councilwoman Kelly Maloney to resign seat Dec. 31
Kirkland Reporter
Unemployment rate in Washington drops again in September
Olympian (subscription required)
Debate turns contentious; Trump won’t say whether he’ll accept election results
Nearly half of uninsured Americans eligible for Medicaid or marketplace subsidies
Seattle Times (subscription required)
Election: Jay Inslee and Bill Bryant spar in final governor debate
Sound Transit won’t face legal action from Attorney General’s Office over release of email addresses
State stops wolf kill for now
FYI Guy: Among big cities, Seattle’s got fewer kids growing up in apartments
Highline School Board approves resolution to restructure Evergreen, Tyee campuses
Spokesman Review
WSU medical school one step closer to educating students with preliminary accreditation
‘Trump Wall’ on WSU campus draws hundreds of supporters and protesters
Crime statistics in Spokane will be more detailed under new collection method, but year-to-year comparisons will be hard
Secrecy in hiring process for Spokane Valley city manager breaks from regional norms
Vancouver Business Journal
State to open first health insurance exchange “storefront” in Vancouver
Wenatchee World (subscription required)
NCW steelhead fishing cancelled due to low numbers
State investigation of farm nonprofit arrives in local court
‘Children are going to be out on the streets’: Section 8 families get eviction notices
Should Seattle fix multi-million dollar ‘mistakes’?
Student Republican group builds Trump-inspired wall at WSU
Giant plant wall will filter pollution along Duwamish River
State suspends Profanity Peak wolf pack killing
Inslee and Bryant spar over tolling, homelessness in final debate
2,000 Seattle teachers wear Black Lives Matter shirts to school
Seattle voters appreciate tone in final presidential debate
Inslee and Bryant spar in 3rd debate
MyNorthwest.com (KIRO Radio)
When will WSDOT take care of the Highway 18 chokepoint?
NW Public Radio
Washington Jobless Rate Ticks Down On Strong Job Growth
WSU Young Republicans Build Symbolic Trump Wall
Bryant And Inslee Spar Over Hanford Cleanup At Debate In Pasco
Q13 TV (FOX)
Gubernatorial debate: Inslee, Bryant clash over death penalty, education funding, homeless issue
When cops play security guard, whom do they serve?
‘Learning labs’ prepare Washington kids for the workforce
The Real Difference Between the Competing Homeless Encampment Proposals
Seattle P.I.
Election: A relaxed Inslee, a peppery Bryant, a gubernatorial debate constrained by rules