Washington State House Democrats


Rep. Pellicciotti takes on special interests

OLYMPIA – Rep. Mike Pellicciotti, D-Federal Way, once again introduced legislation to stop the revolving door between elected officials and corporate lobbying firms in an attempt to improve public confidence in state government.

“Politicians in our state should not be able to cash in on their public service,” stated Pellicciotti, who serves as the new Vice Chair of the House Committee on State Government. “We must work toward establishing people’s faith that their government is working in their best interest at all times.” The bill, HB 1067, was heard by the House State Government and Tribal Relations Committee on Wednesday, January 16.

Pellicciotti will also introduce campaign finance reform legislation this week to that same committee. The bill would require political action committees to more clearly display their donors in political ads, shining a light on special interests. Senator Guy Palumbo, D-Maltby, will sponsor a companion bill in the Senate. Last year Pellicciotti successfully passed a new law eliminating special interest “dark money” from Washington State politics.

In addition to electoral and government reforms, Pellicciotti plans to continue championing legislation to reduce the effects of airplane traffic over the 30th legislative district. He is also co-sponsoring a bill, HB 1181, to make more fixed-income seniors and veterans eligible for property tax exemptions.