Washington State House Democrats


Leavitt Bill to Fund PERS 1 COLA Included in House Budget

OLYMPIA – Rep. Mari Leavitt, D-University Place, introduced legislation (HB 1390) earlier this year to fund cost of living adjustments for retired state employees in the PERS 1/TRS 1 system. The bill has not passed the House yet, but funding was allocated in the budget proposed by House Democrats via an amendment on the floor.

“It is a terrible shame that former teachers, school cafeteria workers, corrections officers, park maintenance staff, and social workers, who worked hard and played by the rules, have lost out on cost of living increases due to the Great Recession. I am proud to sponsor the legislation to fix this problem and to vote for the funding in our House budget,” said Leavitt.

Final funding for the PERS 1/TRS 1 COLA depend on negotiations with the Senate on the 2019-2021 biennial budget.
