Washington State House Democrats


Coronavirus update from 45th and 48th district legislators

OLYMPIA — Seattle and King County Public Health officials have confirmed that there are now multiple cases of coronavirus in King County, including numerous people who are hospitalized. Sadly, one individual has died.

These illnesses are associated with an immunocompromised population in a nursing home and a dialysis facility in Kirkland. Public health officials are working closely with their leadership, staff, and families to contain and manage the situation at these facilities.

Health officials are also working as rapidly as possible to identify others in the community who have been exposed, isolate them and get them tested.

Public Health – Seattle & King County is fully activated. They are in close contact with Center for Disease Control (CDC), state Dept. of Health (DoH), hospitals, the Emergency Medical Services system. The CDC is sending a high-level team to King County to help with the response.

King County government is coordinating together with Public Health to share information, deploy resources, and respond at maximum capacity.

Washington has expert public health officials who have experience in responding to pandemics. We can all help by staying informed and following health guidance carefully.

This is a very quickly moving situation and information is changing. The King County Public Health website and Facebook page are the best resources for up to date information:



If someone has symptoms, they should call their doctor – not go to the hospital. The doctor will make an assessment about next steps. If it requires a COVID-19 test, the doctor will then contact King County Public Health and they will arrange a test.

Good personal health habits help prevent respiratory infections, including coronaviruses and influenza. These are simple yet effective actions, like staying home when you are sick, covering your coughs and sneezes with an elbow sleeve or tissue, and frequently washing your hands with soap and water (or using at least a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available). See more here: https://publichealthinsider.com/2020/02/24/what-happens-if-the-novel-coronavirus-covid-19-spreads-here-a-conversation-with-our-health-officer/.

For more information:

