Washington State House Democrats


Ryu named chair of new Community and Economic Development Committee

SHORELINE—Majority Democrats in the Washington House of Representatives voted yesterday during a virtual meeting to finalize committee makeup and elect committee chairs for the 2021-22 biennium.

To better focus their efforts on emergent needs related to the Coronavirus response, and to plan for the inevitable next disaster or emergency, Democrats made substantial changes to the committee structures by creating the House Community and Economic Development Committee.

Rep. Cindy Ryu was elected by the caucus to serve as chair of the brand-new committee. The House Community & Economic Development Committee will consider issues relating to community development; community investment programs; and underrepresented communities.  The committee also considers issues relating to economic development and economic resiliency, including small business assistance; business financing; international trade; tourism; parks and recreation; telecommunications; and broadband; as well as emergency preparedness, response, and resiliency.

“I look forward to working with my committee colleagues and our constituents across the state to make sure Washington remains the best place to live and work, especially for working families struggling to make it through the pandemic,” said Rep. Ryu.

She previously served as chair of the Housing, Community Development and Veterans Committee.

The House of Representatives will meet virtually for the 2021 legislative session to safely conduct the people’s business and minimize the risk of spreading the Coronavirus to the public, legislative staff, and members. Efforts are underway to increase access for the members of the public for virtual access to committee hearings, in addition to viewing broadcasts on TVW.