Washington State House Democrats


Rep. Ormsby on House Democrats budget proposal that focuses on addressing post-pandemic life in Washington state


It’s supplemental-budget week in Olympia, and the state House released its proposed adjustments to the biennial state spending plan Monday.

ORMSBY: “Folks are struggling. And as was our focus last year, we’re looking at the basics: food, shelter, health. Those are the things that are going to make a difference in people’s lives, and that is our focus.” [:11]

That’s Representative Timm Ormsby of Spokane, describing the supplemental operating budget proposal that was made public at a noon press conference Monday. Ormsby, the Democrat who chairs the House Appropriations Committee, said the House’s plan would add about ten percent to the 59 billion dollar “Washington Recovery Budget” enacted last year. The thinking is, there’s more recovery to do. Here’s Ormsby.

ORMSBY: “This is a unique moment, and we want to seize that moment to provide opportunities, for our employees, our employers, and our communities. They have stuck with us throughout the uncertainty of this pandemic. We are going to stick with them.” [:14]

The spending plan received a public hearing Monday afternoon. Once it’s OK’d by the full chamber, the House budget team has until March 10 to work out differences with the Senate’s version and send a final document to the governor.