Washington State House Democrats


Statement from Rep. Timm Ormsby on March 20 state revenue forecast

Below is a statement from House Appropriations Chair Rep. Timm Ormsby (D-Spokane) in response to the March 20 Revenue Forecast:

“Today’s forecast shows that our guarded approach was the correct one and now we must take deliberate and careful steps to ensure that our budget decisions protect the most vulnerable. The operating budget should be responsible and sustainable, but we cannot forget about those most affected, especially low-income communities that suffer disproportionate impacts when budgets fail to invest in the people who need it most.

“Through the pandemic and over the past year, many Washington families have struggled. House Democrats have prioritized those families and communities hurting, investing holistically and intentionally to ensure that children have food, families have a roof over their head, and communities have the supports to move on from the pandemic. Now, with less revenue than we had hoped, we must hold on to those important investments and build where we can so Washington families can continue to recover.

“We will release our budget next week with a focus on equitable access to resources that address our most urgent needs.”