Washington State House Democrats


House Passes Thomas Bill for Reasonable Rest Breaks for Hospital Workers

OLYMPIA – Tuesday, the Washington State House of Representative passed House Bill 1879 off the House floor – aiming to improve rest breaks for hospital workers in Washington. 

Current rules require meal breaks to take place between the first 2 – 5 hours of an 8-hour shift despite the fact that many hospital workers’ shifts are much longer than that. Sponsored by Representative Brianna Thomas (D-West Seattle), House Bill 1879, would allow hospitals to waive break timing requirements if the workers and hospitals voluntarily and mutually agree to do so.  

“I am honored to elevate the voices and needs of our hospital workers – the people we rely on to take care of us during our most vulnerable moments and in our times of need,” said Thomas.  “This bill allows workers to take breaks that make sense for their schedules, helping them balance taking care of themselves while taking care of us.”  

This bill improves upon legislation passed in 2023 which addressed health care workforce shortages and retention challenges, and enforced meal and rest breaks for hospital staff.  

The bill passed unanimously and now moves onto the Senate for consideration.  This is the first bill Thomas has passed off the House floor.