Washington State House Democrats


Nance bill mobilizing wildfire response to save lives passes House

OLYMPIA – When it comes to wildfire response, every second counts. House Bill 1271, sponsored by Rep. Greg Nance (D-Kitsap) would allow the Washington State Patrol to mobilize local jurisdictions to pre-position equipment in anticipation of wildfires instead of waiting until the fire is already burning. This enables faster firefighting response to keep Washingtonians safe.   

“Too many communities have already been impacted by catastrophic fires,” said Rep. Nance. “Firefighters know all too well that rapid emergency response is vital to contain wildfires before they spiral out of control.”  

Current law requires delaying a mobilization response until an incident exceeds local capacity. Unfortunately, these delays mean mobilized resources are often too little, too late to prevent significant damage and destruction. 

“Wildfire endangers lives, property, and our shared prosperity,” said Rep. Nance. “This legislation will provide brave firefighters across the state with the tools they need to keep all of us safe.” 

The bill passed the House unanimously 96-0 on March 11 and now moves to the Senate for consideration.