Washington State House Democrats


Monday, April 27

Virus to have longstanding effect on state budget Even once Washington’s economy fully reopens, the effect on state revenues from the coronavirus shutdown is expected to be felt for months… READ MORE

Thursday, April 23

Washington state builds coronavirus contact tracing ‘fire brigade’ If life is going to return to anything like normal in the next few months, experts say we’re going to need a… READ MORE

Wednesday, April 22

Inslee says elective surgeries, outdoor recreation and some construction could restart as Washington begins to recover from coronavirus Gov. Jay Inslee Tuesday evening announced a road map for reopening Washington’s… READ MORE

Tuesday, April 21

UW professor warns against reopening Washington state too soon amid coronavirus pandemic We are all anxious to get back to our lives after social distancing and a recently released model… READ MORE

Monday, April 10

Demonstrators rally in Olympia against Washington’s coronavirus stay-at-home order More than 2,000 demonstrators, including a GOP state representative who called for a rebellion, appeared at the Washington State Capitol on… READ MORE