Washington State House Democrats


Thursday, June 6

Print Associated Press More Washington state workers could see overtime pay under proposed rule Lawsuit: Drugmaker improperly used charity to pay kickbacks State believes feds unlikely to meet nuke cleanup deadlines Nuclear… READ MORE

Wednesday, June 5

Print  Associated Press World Bank downgrades its forecast for global economy  White House ends fetal tissue research by federal scientists New report finds 56 missing Indian women in Washington Spokane… READ MORE

Tuesday, June 4

Print  Associated Press Washington state health insurance rate increase breaks from years of steeper hikes FDA: Sampling finds toxic nonstick compounds in some food Young Americans’ lawsuit on climate change… READ MORE

Monday, June 3

Print  Associated Press New calf reportedly born in endangered orca pod Scientists find flaws in plan to lift US wolf protections Feds to investigate spike in gray whale deaths on… READ MORE