Washington State House Democrats


Monday, October 9

How a Washington agency is trying to get housing built on public land Washington’s Department of Natural Resources owns more than 7,000 acres of “transition land” scattered across the state…. READ MORE

Friday, October 6

Does Washington need a new agency to oversee jails? Washington would create a new independent agency to set safeguards and conduct inspections of city, county and regional jails, under a… READ MORE

Thursday, October 5

Gov. Inslee asks White House to aid Spokane County wildfire survivors In a letter to President Joe Biden, Gov. Jay Inslee on Wednesday asked for financial assistance and a major… READ MORE

Wednesday, October 4

Fewer students enroll at state’s public colleges, study says The decline in college enrollment during the pandemic has slowed, but the state’s public colleges continue to see fewer students than… READ MORE

Tuesday, October 3

Washington minimum wage to top $16 an hour next year Minimum wage workers in Washington will get a pay hike in January. The state’s minimum wage will rise to $16.28… READ MORE