Washington State House Democrats


Lawmakers seek community input on state budget

Reps. Cyrus Habib and Hunter having a brief discussion outside of the House chambers at the state capitol.

How would you solve Washington state’s $4.4 billion budget problem? That’s the central question Senator-elect Cyrus Habib (D-Kirkland) and Representative Ross Hunter (D-Medina) will be asking their constituents at a… READ MORE

Expensive Cloud, Silver Lining…

One of the key responsibilities for the state is running the prison system. Overall we spend about $1.5 billion on the entire corrections system, including medical care for inmates. The… READ MORE

Dire Future for State Budgets?

The Washington Post has an article today (or some recent day – I only read online) about the long-term pressures faced by state and local governments.  The article compares growth… READ MORE