by Zack Hudgins and Barbara Bailey Most cars sit idle 23 hours a day. But there’s a new business model that lets people rent cars and trucks from private citizens….
Category: Blog
State Rep. Jim Moeller’s statements on the updated (Wednesday, June 20, 2012) revenue forecast
The revised revenue forecast incorporates actions taken by the 2012 Legislature. I think it’s fundamental to distinguish two sets of changes that underlie this updated forecast: * One set of…
Calamity at the pharmacy: Quelling swelling rate of opioid addiction
By state Rep. Jim Moeller Maybe we’re climbing out of a nightmare. Just maybe we’re leaving the hellacious plague that is the falling into the wrong hands and showing up…
Rep. Jim Moeller: Statements on the King County Superior Court ruling (against Initiative 1053) that tax increases, including the closing of tax loopholes, require only a simple-majority vote
First and foremost, this ruling emphasizes — as if, frankly, we needed any further emphasis — that as Washington citizens and policy leaders, the paramount duty of the Legislature, as…
Rep. Gutiérrez Kenney’s May 8 e-memo
Dear Neighbors, This is the last e-memo that I will be sending you. Because this is an election year, my communications through an e-memo will not be possible. I hope…