There has been a lot of talk about legislators taking “per diem.” When the House of Representatives releases its report on per diem, you will see my name there. I’m…
Category: Blog
E-news from Rep. Ruth Kagi
March 16, 2012Legislative Update Hello Friends, Thursday, March 8 marked the end of the 2012 regular legislative session. While there are some important accomplishments I am happy to report below,…
Moeller laments lack of supermajority needed to undo injustice
OLYMPIA — A top lawmaker is lamenting the loss just now, Friday afternoon — the day after the 2012 Legislature staggered to its denouement in the midnight hour on Thursday,…
Stanford secures funds to fix Scriber Creek Bridge
Key project will assist in restoring big piece of Brier’s infrastructure OLYMPIA – The state’s updated capital budget currently moving, slowly but at least slightly surely, toward the governor’s desk…
Kagi preschool-to-kindergarten measure heads to governor’s desk
OLYMPIA – Early learning advocates cheered when it was announced in December that our state would receive a $60 million Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge grant. Yesterday, the…