Washington State House Democrats


Global Warming – Cap and Trade?

Last year the legislature instructed the governor to negotiate our entry into the Western Climate Initiative (WCI) and come back with a plan we would have to approve. She has,… READ MORE

Unwinding the Stadiums

Lo these many years ago the Kingdome was created, and it was good… but only if you liked watching baseball in a concrete mausoleum. Since then we’ve built Safeco Field,… READ MORE

Initial Thoughts on the Budget

At the time I write this the national economy is in free-fall, with banks and other businesses failing right and left. The car companies may be next. So far the… READ MORE

Seat Belts in School Buses

I reacted the same way many of you did when I heard from my son about the Bellevue High School football team bus rolling over – I was horrified. We… READ MORE

Basic Education Funding Task Force

I’m a member of the Basic Education Financing Task Force (BEFTF,) a group appointed by the legislature and the governor to try to re-write how K-12 education is funded in… READ MORE