Washington State House Democrats


Tuesday, January 3

Sen. Billig: Voters sent clear message to WA leaders for 2023 Legislative session By returning every single Democratic incumbent and even growing the majorities in both state legislative chambers, voters… READ MORE

Friday, December 16

‘Deeply flawed.’ Why a reset button on Pierce County airport talks could be up for debate Some Washington state lawmakers seek to restart the three-year process that resulted in rural… READ MORE

Thursday, December 15

Housing, homelessness and behavioral health: Here are some of Inslee’s 2023 budget priorities Washington Gov. Jay Inslee released his proposed 2023-25 budgets and policies Wednesday, highlighting the issues he’ll be… READ MORE

Wednesday, December 14

Biden signs gay marriage law, calls it ‘a blow against hate’ A celebratory crowd of thousands bundled up on a chilly Tuesday afternoon to watch President Joe Biden sign gay… READ MORE

Monday, December 12

Health officials say it is time to mask up If you’ve been a little lax with masking over the past few months, health officials in Washington state are urging a… READ MORE