Talk turned to tax breaks during a Democratic news conference in Olympia this week, and folks in rural areas might like what was said. Here’s Dan Frizzell with the story:…
Listen to Speaker Chopp talk about ways to boost the economy in rural areas

Talk turned to tax breaks during a Democratic news conference in Olympia this week, and folks in rural areas might like what was said. Here’s Dan Frizzell with the story:…
Read Jerry Cornfield’s (Everett Herald) interview with Speaker Frank Chopp earlier this week: Q&A: State House speaker on taxes, death penalty, harassment Democrat Frank Chopp has had the speaker title…
The Washington Legislature on Thursday night passed a long-awaited capital budget, freeing up funds for a number of projects in Capitol Hill and the greater 43rd District. “I’m really excited…
YouthCare, the Seattle nonprofit dedicated to providing services and emergency shelter to young homeless people and operator of the Orion Center at the base of Denny below Capitol Hill, has…
January 12, 2018 House Speaker Frank Chopp statement re DOL’s information release to ICE “I’m troubled by the news that the Department of Licensing shares certain information about our state…