Washington State House Democrats


Tax Incidence in Washington

There were a number of questions asked in today’s K-12 Finance Task Force meeting about how taxpayers in different income strata experience Washington’s tax system. I’m providing some links to… READ MORE

School Funding Task Force Work Plan

At the school funding task force meeting this morning we discussed and adopted the a work plan for the exercise. The document describing this work plan is available here: Initial Plan… READ MORE

Openings for Boats on the 520 Bridge

WSDOT has negotiated a better deal with the Coast Guard regarding bridge openings when boats with tall masts want pass. More hours in the exclusion zone and more notice. If… READ MORE

Brrrrrr!! Why is it so cold in here??

Our website will be frozen for a few months. You aren’t going to see any changes on this website until December 1, 2012.  A voter-approved initiative forbids us from providing… READ MORE

Frustrating but Powerful

This week I attended a meeting hosted by the Mockingbird Society where foster youth and young alumni of “the system” present proposals they’ve worked on in small groups for a… READ MORE