Washington State House Democrats


Budget Thoughts

This email came to me early in the session in 2010 and was incredibly touching. It’s easy to get involved in the details of the budget in a very technical… READ MORE

Customizing education via the Internet

My friend Richard Brodie commented on my labor day post that he thought education could be delivered a lot lot faster and cheaper over the internet. This sparked a debate… READ MORE

Labor Day – Where do we go from here?

The Seattle Times today is filled with stories about the future of the American worker, and how workers of tomorrow will have to have more education and skills than many… READ MORE

520 Bridge Progress Update

I received an update this week from WSDOT on the progress of the 520 project. The project is a big deal for the entire region – it will significantly improve… READ MORE

KJ Does a Crossover Dribble on Ed Reform

The League of Education Voters is sponsoring a speaker series on public education. The first event features Kevin Johnson, former NBA star and currently mayor of Sacramento, talking about ed… READ MORE