Washington State House Democrats


Rob McKenna and Healthcare

Earlier this week Attorney General Rob McKenna joined a lawsuit filed by a number of other AGs nationally to attack the new healthcare bill adopted in the other Washington. Here’s… READ MORE

Arts bill fails again

For the umpteenth year in a row we have failed to get a bill out of the Legislature that shifts the funding streams around to fund 4Culture, King County’s arts… READ MORE

Interesting Pension Fund Data

The following was included in the most recent issue of Capitol Ideas, the magazine published by the Council of State Governments: “A new report from the Pew Center on the… READ MORE

What’s a Tax Loophole?

When you and I sell our homes, we pay real estate excise tax.  So how come some businesses don’t pay it on multi-million-dollar transactions?  If we hire contractors to remodel… READ MORE

520 Bridge Moves Forward!

The SR 520 bridge an important project, and one of the key things I work on as a legislator. We have struggled with this project for the entire time I… READ MORE