OLYMPIA – Rep. April Berg, D-Mill Creek, introduced a consumer protection and animal welfare bill, House Bill 1424, intended to end the puppy mill to pet store pipeline and limit…
House passes Berg bill to prevent animal abuse and predatory lending

OLYMPIA – Rep. April Berg, D-Mill Creek, introduced a consumer protection and animal welfare bill, House Bill 1424, intended to end the puppy mill to pet store pipeline and limit…
Olympia - Today, the Washington House of Representatives passed House Bill 1525 off the house floor with a unanimous vote. Mary Fosse, D-Everett, recently introduced House Bill 1525, to address the lack of…
OLYMPIA—Rep. Joe Timmons (D-Bellingham) remembers life in his district post 9/11 and especially during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whatcom County was also impacted hard by devastating floods in…
Olympia, WA – Washington State Representative Chris Stearns’ (D-Auburn) House Bill 1681 passed off the house floor today 80-16. This bill doubles the funds available to help people with problem…
OLYMPIA — Foster youth have no less need for developmental disability services than any other youth, yet in Washington State, foster youth can’t access developmental disability services. Washington State House…