Rep. Senn spoke on the steps of the legislative building in support of Moms Demand Action. Click the above link to watch the video.
Rep. Senn delivers message supporting “Moms Demand Action”

Rep. Senn spoke on the steps of the legislative building in support of Moms Demand Action. Click the above link to watch the video.
Rep. Senn discusses State Park Partnerships before her colleagues on the House Environment committee. Click the above link to view the video.
With her family in attendance, Representative Senn had the honor of delivering the Children’s Day speech to the House on Monday January 20th. Click the above link to watch the…
A bill sponsored by Representative Tana Senn (D-Mercer Island), in conjunction with a request from Governor Jay Inslee, would modify the filing threshold for businesses in Washington bringing much needed…
State Rep. Tana Senn has been appointed to positions on the Early Learning & Human Services Committee, Capital Budget Committee and Environment Committee, This is the lineup Senn pursued after…