Recently, a computer hacker stole hundreds of nude images of female celebrities and posted them on the internet. This violation of sexual privacy, although very publicized because of the celebrity…
Revenge porn and the need for tougher laws

Recently, a computer hacker stole hundreds of nude images of female celebrities and posted them on the internet. This violation of sexual privacy, although very publicized because of the celebrity…
You’ll find almost as many hop yards in Yakima’s central Washington agrarian latitude as you’d see anywhere else in the world. And that’s saying something. Why, even the No. 1…
The case of NFL running back Adrian Pederson has brought national attention to corporal punishment of children vs. child abuse. Pederson was indicted by a grand jury in Texas for…
A new report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) shows that the biggest robbers in America just may be unethical employers. Most of us expect to be paid at an…
Our state has taken important steps to keep toxic chemicals away from Washington’s children and families, for example: In 2008, the Legislature passed the Children’s Safe Products Act, requiring manufacturers…