Washington State House Democrats


Driving-decrease programs saluted in WashPIRG report

Like many other schools around the country, Washington’s colleges and universities are working to cut student-driving to, from, and around campus. Innovative transportation programs advanced in many Washington higher-education  institutions… READ MORE

Counting the homeless among us

The Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness carried out its 34th annual One Night Count of homeless people on January 24. Eight hundred volunteers combed the streets to count the men,… READ MORE

Education – a springboard to success

The US imprisons over 2.4 million people. According to a Pew study published in 2011, between 1973 and 2009, the nation’s prison population grew by 705%. We now imprison more… READ MORE

Crowdfunding: coming soon to a start-up near you?

Crowdfunding, or investment crowdfunding, describes the practice of raising money over the Internet by soliciting small investments from numerous investors. An outgrowth of crowdsourcing, crowdfunding techniques have been popularized by… READ MORE