Washington State House Democrats


Open Government Caucus launches its agenda

The bipartisan Open Government Caucus (OGC), led by a Seattle Democrat and an East Wenatchee Republican, hit the ground running at its first meeting this week. The caucus is co-chaired… READ MORE

Meet a new legislator: Mia Gregerson

Rep. Mia Gregerson, D-33 Aaron Barna

Several new members have joined the House Democratic Caucus since the 2013 regular session, including Mia Gregerson. Mia (MEE-uh) was appointed by the King County Council to fill the unexpired… READ MORE

ICYMI: America’s story

Did you catch Speaker Chopp telling America’s story on the opening day of session? America Yorita-Carrion was an honors and an International Baccalaureate student with a 3.8 GPA at Davis… READ MORE