1257 Energy efficiency (Doglio) ENVI/FIN/APP 1354 Scan down allowances (Walen) FIN 1997 Manufactured/mobile homes (Ryu) HOUS/APP
Category: The Hot Sheet
House Hot Sheet List #4 (Friday, March 1)
Last list of the day: 1870 ACA protections 1916 Child support 1919 Animal abuse
House Hot Sheet Floor Run List #3 (Friday, March 1, 1 p.m.)
1058 Motorcycle parking methods 1071 Personal information 1112 Hydrofluorocarbon emissions 1170 State fire service mobilization 1335 Life sciences discovery fund 1356 Peer support group privilege 1366 Comm facilities districts 1399 …
House Hot Sheet Floor Run List #2 (Friday, March 1)
8404 Jt session/memorial 1009 State auditor 1041 Certificates of discharge 1137 Nat guard pay/wildfires 1151 Education reporting 1189 Ferry system performance 1212 Election materials/names 1223 Diaper changing stations 1247 State…
House Hot Sheet Floor Run List #1 (Friday, March 1)
House Hot Sheet Floor Run List #1 (Friday, March 1) 1034 Restaurant soju endorsement 1146 Christmas tree growers 1255 Patches Pal license plates 1341 UAVs near marine species 1385 FDA…