Below are links to information and resources regarding COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) available to individuals, workers, and employers. We will strive to keep this page updated and share the latest available information as we receive it.
Department of Health COVID-19 Fact Sheets
- English: Novel Coronavirus Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Amharic: COVID-19 የህዝብ ጤና ምክረ ሀሳቦች (PDF)
- Arabic: COVID-توصيات الصحة العامة الخاصة ب 19 (PDF)
- Chinese Simplified: 新型冠状病毒 (PDF)
- Chinese Traditional: 新型冠狀病毒 (PDF)
- Hindi: COVID-19 Public Health हिदायते (PDF)
- Japanese: COVID-19(新型コロナウィルス)に関する公衆衛生上の推奨事項 (PDF)
- Khmer: វីរុសកូរ៉ូណាប្រភេទថ្មី (PDF)
- Korean: 신종 코로나바이러스 (PDF)
- Russian: Новый штамм коронавируса (PDF)
- Somali: Caabuqa Xalfaafka Wadnaha (PDF)
- Spanish: Nuevo coronavirus (PDF)
- Tagalog: Mga Rekomendasyon ng Pampublikong Kalusugan sa COVID-19 (PDF)
- Thai: ไวรัสโคโรนาสายพันธุ์ใหม (PDF)
- Vietnamese: Vi-rút Corona Mới (PDF)

WA Dept. of Health COVID-19 Site
The Washington Department of Health has established a Coronavirus Outbreak website with updated resources and information.

Centers for Disease Control Coronavirus Website
The federal government’s CDC website contains up-to-date information and guidance

A Compilation of Emergency Assistance Programs & Ways to Help those in Need
We’ll be adding emergency assistance programs and donation opportunities to this page.

Social Distancing: A “How-to” Guide
Social distancing is one of the most effective ways to slow the spread of COVID-19 as the virus is transferred from person to person. Even if you do not show signs on the virus, you could be a carrier and should practice social distancing whenever possible.

Support for parents and students during school closures
Here are some resources for families affected by the statewide school closure.

Tips for talking to your children about school closures
The Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction has posted tips about how to talk to your kids about school closures.

Governor’s authority during a state of emergency
Read more about Governor’s Inslee’s emergency powers under a state of emergency. Image: Steve Ringman/the Seattle Times.

Early refill for prescription drugs authorized, deductibles & copays waived for coronavirus testing
The Washington Insurance Commissioner ordered health insurers to waive deductibles, coinsurance, and copays for COVID-19 teseting & insurers must allow a one-time early refill for prescription drugs.

Washington Healthplanfinder Extends Special Enrollment Period in Response to Growing Coronavirus Outbreak
The original special enrollment period, that ran from March 10, 2020 through April 8, 2020, will now continue through May 8, 2020. Coverage will start May 1, 2020 for customers who enroll after April 8.

Translated COVID-19 Materials from King County
Check the right side of the webpage for regularly updated COVID-19 resources in 15 languages.

Washington’s courts
Courts are postponing trials, modifying hours, and curtailing services. Here is a link with the changes at municipal, superior, and district courts.

Child Care Resources & Recommendations
Guidance from the Department of Health regarding child care for child care providers

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information & Resources
This page contains links to college and universities providing updates regarding COVID-19

Community & Technical College Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
The state community and technical college board has shared a list of community colleges with updates regarding COVID-19.

Independent/Private Colleges COVID-19 Campus Resources
Links to pages from the independent/private colleges on COVID-19 resources.

Resources and information from the Department of Corrections
The Department of Corrections has been actively coordinating with the Department of Health. This website has information and resources for those with an incarcerated loved one including daily updates.

State Recommendations Regarding Transportation for Travelers & Commuters
Public transportation agencies are taking steps to ensure travelers and commercial businesses can continue to safely use our networks of buses, rail, ferries and air travel.

Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 and health insurance
You can get information about special enrollment, deductibles, and more from this FAQ.

Guidance and Resources from the Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction
The most current guidance and resources from the OSPI are provided below.

City of Seattle COVID-19 Assistance and Public Charge FAQ for Immigrants
This is a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) information guide from the City of Seattle for immigrants who want to know more about how the issue of public charge might affect their ability to access healthcare and other services during this COVID-19 outbreak.

Anti-Stigma Resources from King County
King County has compiled a list of resources to combat stigma and direct people to information.

Washington State Ferries Information
WSF is taking a number of steps to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) and keep facilities as safe as possible.

Una comunicación del Departamento de Salud del estado de Washington

Washington Student Achievement Council COVID-19 Resources
WSAC has resources for student loan borrowers as well as information on changes at the federal level regarding repayment of loans.

Tactics from NAMI Washington Alliance
Tips and tactics email for taking care of your mental health

Administration for Community Living COVID-19 Information Page
As guidance is updated, ACL will post or link to it on this page and share it through the ACL Updates email service.

FAQ on Orders from the Insurance Commissioner
The Office of the Insurance Commissioner has issue a FAQ related to emergency orders put in place.

Financial Resources for Washington Residents Impacted by COVID-19
Resources for individuals wanting to know how to access financial institutions, unemployment help, trouble paying credit cards, trouble paying mortgage or rent, student loan deferment, short term and emergency loans, help paying utilities, insurance issues, and avoiding scams

Layoff Assistance from Employment Security Department
Employment Security has information for workers and businesses facing layoffs

Worker Q&A from Employment Security Department
Employment Security has programs designed to help individuals and employers during this unprecedented time.

Unemployment benefits
How to apply for unemployment benefits.

Paid Sick Leave and Coronavirus (COVID-19) Common Questions
This page has information and guidance on use of the state’s paid sick leave laws.

COVID-19 (coronavirus) and Paid Family and Medical Leave
Get questions answered about whether you can use Paid Family and Medical Leave during the COVID-19 pandemic

A Compilation of Emergency Assistance Programs & Ways to Help those in Need
We’ll be adding emergency assistance programs and donation opportunities to this page.

An Infographic of Scenarios & Benefits Available to Workers
Not sure if you qualify for any benefits? This chart can help you see what is available to you.

Injured? What You Need to Know
For health care workers and first responders under quarantine, you may qualify for a workers’ compensation claim.

Help with food, cash and basic needs
Washington Connection is the fastest and most comprehensive way to access and apply for government assistance.

Employer Q&A from the Employment Security Department
Employment Security has programs to help Washington’s employers weather the financial impacts of COVID-19.

SBA Loans, Tax Extensions, and more
Governor Inslee’s website has a list of resources on assistance programs for businesses.

From the WA State Insurance Commissioner
Information coronavirus and insurance in Washington state.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
The SBA will work directly with state Governors to provide targeted, low-interest loans to small businesses and non-profits that have been severely impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus: Insurance information for businesses
With the outbreak of a coronavirus (COVID-19), business owners may question if their existing insurance policy covers this type of loss.

Resources for WA State Businesses & Workers Impacted by COVID-19
Resources that can help for Washington small businesses

COVID-19 Related Relief for taxpayers
The Department of Revenue will work with businesses that cannot file or pay their taxes on time due to the COVID-19 outbreak.