April 23, 2017
HB 1508 was not approved by the Senate before the end of the regular session, therefore it’ll come back to the House. The Legislature will convene for a special session to complete its work on the operating and capital budgets. Other legislation may be considered as well during special session, so it is still possible for the GRuB bill to make it to the governor’s desk before the Legislature adjourns for the year. Stay tuned…
April 3, 2017
HB 1508 was heard in the Senate Ways & Means Committee. You can watch the committee testimony below:
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March 27, 2017
HB 1508 was approved by the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee. It now goes to the Senate Ways & Means committee for consideration.
March 21, 2017
HB 1508 is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 1:30 p.m. You can watch the committee briefing and testimony below:
!(function(src,cb){var s=document.createElement(‘script’);s.src=src;s.async=true;if(s.readyState){s.onreadystatechange=function(){if(s.readyState==’loaded’||s.readyState==’complete’){s.onreadystatechange=null;cb();}};}else{s.onload=function(){cb();};}document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);})(‘//mediaplayer.invintusmedia.com/app.js’,function(){Invintus.launch({“clientID”:”9375922947″,”eventID”:”2017031241″,”simple”:true,”startStreamAt”:527,”stopStreamAt”:2639});});
March 2, 2017
HB 1508 passed off the House floor with a strong bipartisan vote, 90-8. Watch the floor debate here:
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February 23, 2017
HB 1542 will not move this session, however we successfully rolled the GRuB bill into another school nutrition bill, HB 1508 (Breakfast After the Bell).
February 2, 2017
HB 1542 creates a Dropout Prevention Through Farm Engagement pilot program partnering community-based organizations, like food banks and small farms, with school districts to target at-risk youth. The highly successful GRuB program in Thurston County is the inspiration behind HB 1542.
“We have a fantastic locally-grown program in our community called GRuB and we just want to share the wealth,” said Doglio during committee testimony. “We want to see it happen in other communities.”
“I was lost, I was confused as a person,” said Capital High School student Corriena Lewis in testimony before the House Education Committee on Thursday. “I didn’t have a great influence that time in my life. I needed someone or something to guide me in the right direction. Then I joined GRuB.”
“I like helping others. Making a difference in my community is what fuels me. It’s what I strive for,” said Lewis.

You can watch Rep. Doglio’s testimony before the House Education committee here and the testimony of students, teachers and principals here.