Priorities for a Sustainable and Equitable Future

Dear friends and neighbors, 

I hope each of you enjoyed a restful and rejuvenating holiday season, welcoming the New Year with joy! As the 2024 Legislative Session kicks off, the 60-day supplemental sessions move fast—don’t hesitate to reach out! I am eager to hear from you and your participation is vital to our community. Here are some ways we can stay connected during this legislative session:  

  • Watch: Join me on for live broadcasts featuring debates, votes, committee meetings, and other significant events. 
  • Research: Stay informed by exploring legislation based on lawmakers or topics that resonate with you. Understanding these issues is key to our collective progress. 
  • Learn: Dive into the legislative process from its inception to gain a deeper understanding of how decisions are shaped and executed. 
  • Testify: Your voice is powerful. Whether virtually or in writing, you can continue to testify on legislation during the committee process. Share your insights and personal stories to make a lasting impact. 
  • Get in touch: I am here for you. Reach out to my office via email or call the legislative hotline at 800-562-6000. This year, I am available for both in-person and virtual meetings. To schedule a meeting, please contact my Legislative Assistant, Sammi Payne, at  

Ways to participate joint

Priorities for a Sustainable and Equitable Future

As we embark on the legislative journey of 2024, we’re committed to addressing critical issues and shaping a more sustainable and equitable future.  

Here’s a snapshot of the bills I’ve sponsored:  

HB 2301 – Revolutionizing Waste Management: Focuses on improving Washington’s waste management, particularly for organic materials. The bill works to first ensure any edible food that might go to waste is diverted to food banks. Next up, making sure non-edible food is diverted from landfills by continuing to build out our food composting system in the state.  This bill contributes to a cleaner environment promoting sustainability, creating a circular economy and reducing our environmental impact.  

HB 2201 – Regional Collaboration for Cleaner Air: Teams up with California and Québec to create a joint carbon market, fostering collaboration to reduce emissions and lower pollution allowances costs.  

HB 2027 – Law Enforcement Accountability: Ensures that sheriffs, police chiefs, and reserve officers meet crucial standards by implementing background checks and ongoing certification. This move promotes transparency, safety, and better community policing. 

HB 2026 – Encouraging home share for low-income seniorsWorking with a constituent, this bill removes rental income from the primary place of residence in calculating income for the senior property tax relief offered to lower income seniors. Increases housing and keeps money in senior’s pockets! 

HB 1893 – Unemployment Benefits for striking or locked out workers: Provides unemployment benefits during employer-initiated lockouts, removing disqualifications for locked-out workers. Allows striking workers to collect unemployment benefits after being on strike for 14 days. Levels the playing field for workers fighting for livable wages and better working conditions. 

HB 1589 – Sustainable Energy Planning: Sets a new standard for comprehensive and equitable energy planning specific to Puget Sound Energy. Aligned with Washington’s commitment to sustainability, this bill emphasizes fair labor practices and supports ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets. 


Thank you so much for reading! I look forward to hearing from you about policies or budget items you care about. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and make your voice heard.  

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more updates!  


Rep. Beth Doglio