House Approves 12-month Supply of Hormone Therapy

OLYMPIA – The Washington House of Representatives seek to guarantee access to a 12-month supply of prescription hormone therapy under a bill sponsored by Rep. Nicole Macri (D-Seattle). HB 1971 passed on Saturday under a strict party line vote.

“If you need medical treatment for any reason, losing that access to treatment can be catastrophic. I’m seeing extremists who are using hate to divide us, and they are singling out a particular vulnerable population, transgender people in our state,” said Macri on the floor of the House. “When you need a prescription, you should be able to get it, and that’s what this bill does.”

HB 1971 ensures health care access for existing medical care by requiring health plans provide reimbursement for a 12-month refill of prescription hormone therapy. Patients will have already undergone the necessary, well scrutinized, medical evaluations and met the clinical requirements as outlined by their doctor to access hormone therapy. In no way does it change the rigorous process patients must go through to gain initial access to hormone therapy.

HB 1971 now heads to the Senate for consideration.
