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The House Hot Sheet for Week 2 of the 2022 Legislative Session


In our second week of the 2022 Legislative Session, House Democrats kick off the day on the floor of the House, honoring the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Afternoon hearings include legislation from Rep. Mari Leavitt to modify the Washington National Guard Postsecondary Education Grant eligibility, in the House College & Workforce Development Committee (HB 1642). HB 1789 will have a public hearing in the House Finance Committee. The bill, offered by Rep. Bill Ramos, provides a property tax exemption for non-profit owned properties exclusively used as an adult family home for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

The House Consumer Protection & Business Committee will hold possible executive session on HB 1810, Rep. Mia Gregerson’s Right to Repair legislation.

Later, the House Appropriations Committee will hold a hearing on HB 1721, bipartisan legislation to provide a three percent cost of living allocation increase to PERS 1/TERS 1 retirees.



Tuesday features a variety of public hearings on Democratic priorities. In the House Environment & Energy Committee, HB 1682 (Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon) & HB 1767 (Rep. Alex Ramel), both have hearings. HB 1682 helps to create a compliance pathway for certain businesses to help them achieve their proportionate share of the state’s emissions reduction limits. HB 1767 allows publicly owned electric utility providers to offer their customers incentives to convert from fossil fuel to electric-powered home appliances and heating.

The House Committee on Housing, Human Services & Veterans will hold a public hearing on Rep. Strom Peterson’s HB 1904, which requires landlords to provide 180 days’ notice for rent increases above three percent. In the House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee, there will be a public hearing on the Silenced No More Act (HB 1795), which prohibits secrecy in non-disclosure agreements and severance agreements for harassment, sexual assault, discrimination, retaliation, wage theft. And the House Local Government Committee will hear HB 1782, the governor-request “Missing Middle Housing” legislation from Rep. Jessica Bateman and HB 1981 from Rep. Gerry Pollet addressing local government planning.

In the House Public Safety Committee, committee members will hear HB 1815, bipartisan legislation offered by Rep. Cindy Ryu to address catalytic converter theft. The House Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee is holding a public hearing on HB 1895 from Rep. Kirsten Harris-Talley. HB 1895 is part of the Department of Natural Resource’s Keep Washington Evergreen initiative. The bill would help restore the health of one million acres of forest, conserve one million acres of working forest, and reforest one million acres of forest in Washington state.



On Wednesday, the House Health Care & Wellness Committee will hold possible executive session on requested legislation from the attorney general, HB 1616 from Rep. Tarra Simmons addressing charity care. The legislation simplifies charity care requirements across the state and expands access to affordable care to over two million Washington residents. The public can expect a hearing on HB 1868, Rep. Marcus Riccelli’s Safe Staffing Standards bill, in the Labor & Workplace Standards Committee in the morning.

Also in the morning, the House Consumer Protection & Business Committee will hold a public hearing on HB 1801, part of a package of bills on digital equity this year offered by Rep. Gregerson. HB 1801 creates a repairability index, helping consumers make decisions about repairing equipment over replacing it, which should help reduce e-waste and ensure that recyclability is also considered.

Finally, the House Rural Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee will hear the Lorraine Loomis Act (HB 1838) from Rep. Debra Lekanoff, which is governor request legislation to address salmon recovery.

Possible floor action is scheduled for the afternoon.



The House College & Workforce Development Committee features a host of bills on the agenda for executive session on Thursday, including the Hazing Prevention and Reduction Act (HB 1751) offered by Rep. Leavitt. Also up for consideration are HB 1687, HB 1659, HB 1736, and HB 1835. HB 1687, sponsored by Rep. Steve Bergquist, enhances the college bound scholarship program by increasing opportunities for students to attend community and technical colleges. HB 1659, from Rep. Vandana Slatter, expands the Washington College Grant and offers bridge grants for other college costs. HB 1736, from Rep. Pat Sullivan, establishes a one percent state student loan program. And HB 1835, offered by Rep. Drew Hansen, increases awareness of the Washington College Grant and expands how families qualify for the grant.

In the House Education Committee, there will be executive action considered on HB 1664, sponsored by Rep. Alicia Rule, to increase the number of nurses in schools. The committee will also hear a bill offered by Rep. Marcus Riccelli (HB 1878) to increase the number of schools offering the federal free lunch program to students.

Also on Thursday, the House Health Care & Wellness Committee will hold public hearings on a number of bills, including HB 1851, the Affirm Washington’s Abortion Access bill, offered by Rep. My-Linh Thai. Also for public hearing is HB 1860, sponsored by Rep. Lauren Davis, to limit and prevent patients from being discharged into homelessness after leaving a behavioral health facility, and HB 1866, the Apple Health and Homes Program from Rep. Frank Chopp, which seeks to ensure supportive housing is provided to those in medical assistance programs.



Friday wraps up a week of committee testimony with possible executive session in the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee on common-sense gun safety bills. Those bills include: HB 1618, legislation offered by Rep. April Berg to prohibit weapons at election-related offices, except by law enforcement and security personnel, HB 1630, from Rep. Tana Senn, would also prohibit weapons at school board meetings, and HB 1705 from Rep. Liz Berry which restricts access to ghost guns.

Also on Friday is a public hearing on HB 1760 (Rep. Dave Paul) in the House Education Committee to expand access to dual credit programs, a House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee hearing on HB 1847 to study the needs of Washington’s farmworkers, and possible executive session in the committee on HB 1625 (Rep. Dan Bronoske) to ensure that Space Force Reserve servicemembers are eligible for paid military leave of absence from employment, and HB 1771 from Rep. Berry, expanding the scope of collective bargaining for family child care providers to include retirement benefit contributions.

Possible floor action is scheduled for the afternoon.