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House Hot Sheet: Week 4

Appropriations – 2/3/2020  3:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. SHB 2311– Amending state greenhouse gas emission limits for consistency with the most recent assessment of climate change science.


Appropriations – 2/5/2020  3:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 1131 – Allowing residential marijuana agriculture.
  2. SHB 2310 – Reducing emissions from vehicles associated with on-demand transportation services.
  3. SHB 2318 – Advancing criminal investigatory practices.
  4. HB 2456 – Concerning working connections child care eligibility.


Appropriations – 2/6/2020 3:30 PM

House Hearing Rm A

John L. O’Brien Building

Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2396 – Concerning the regulation of bot communication on public-facing internet web sites.
  2. HB 2441 – Improving access to temporary assistance for needy families.
  3. SHB 2467 – Establishing a centralized single point of contact background check system for firearms transfers.
  4. SHB 2661 – Expanding accessible, affordable child care and early childhood development programs. (If measure is referred to committee.)


Capital Budget – 2/6/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm B
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2849– Concerning housing programs administered by the department of commerce.


Civil Rights & Judiciary – 2/5/2020  8:00 AM 

House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2567 – Concerning open courts.
  2. HB 2453 – Providing protections to residential tenants.
  3. HB 2305 – Concerning firearms laws concerning persons subject to vulnerable adult protection orders.
  4. HB 2623 – Prohibiting the possession of firearms by persons convicted of certain criminal offenses.
  5. HB 2732 – Expanding the landlord mitigation program to alleviate the financial burden on victims attempting to flee domestic violence, sexual assault, unlawful harassment, or stalking.
  6. HB 2622– Concerning procedures for ensuring compliance with court orders requiring surrender of firearms, weapons, and concealed pistol licenses.
  7. HB 2610 – Concerning the sale or lease of manufactured/mobile home communities and the property on which they sit.
  8. HB 2512 – Concerning interest and penalty relief for qualified mobile home and manufactured home owners.


Civil Rights & Judiciary – 2/7/2020  10:00 AM 

House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Possible Executive Session

  1. HB 2567 – Concerning open courts.
  2. HB 2453 – Providing protections to residential tenants.
  3. HB 2305 – Concerning firearms laws concerning persons subject to vulnerable adult protection orders.
  4. HB 2623 – Prohibiting the possession of firearms by persons convicted of certain criminal offenses.
  5. HB 2732 – Expanding the landlord mitigation program to alleviate the financial burden on victims attempting to flee domestic violence, sexual assault, unlawful harassment, or stalking.
  6. HB 2622– Concerning procedures for ensuring compliance with court orders requiring surrender of firearms, weapons, and concealed pistol licenses.
  7. HB 2610 – Concerning the sale or lease of manufactured/mobile home communities and the property on which they sit.
  8. HB 2512 – Concerning interest and penalty relief for qualified mobile home and manufactured home owners.


College & Workforce Development – 2/4/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm B
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2327– Addressing sexual misconduct at postsecondary educational institutions.


College & Workforce Development – 2/5/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm B
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2327– Addressing sexual misconduct at postsecondary educational institutions.


College & Workforce Development – 2/7/2020  8:00 AM 

House Hearing Rm B
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2327– Addressing sexual misconduct at postsecondary educational institutions.


Commerce & Gaming – 2/3/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm C
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2279– Improving the development of the marijuana market by enacting provisions specific to craft cannabis production.
  2. HB 2826– Clarifying the authority of the liquor and cannabis board to regulate marijuana vapor products.
  3. HB 2870– Allowing additional marijuana retail licenses for social equity purposes.

Executive Session

  1. HB 2683– Creating a local wine industry association license.
  2. HB 2686– Excluding the common carrier licensees from the definition of retailer for the purposes of the three-tier system.
  3. HB 2727– Creating a retail liquor license for restaurants operated in connection with a course offered by postsecondary institutions.


Commerce & Gaming – 2/4/2020  3:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm C
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2510– Requiring the liquor and cannabis board to provide written interpretations of liquor statutes and rules.
  2. HB 2800– Concerning the performance of personal services by a craft distillery, distiller, spirits certificate of approval holder, or distributor.

Executive Session

  1. HB 2204– Concerning the creation of a limited spirits retail license.
  2. HB 2321– Reducing youth access to products intended for consumption only by adults age twenty-one and over.
  3. HB 2502– Concerning low-proof alcoholic beverages.
  4. HB 2870– Allowing additional marijuana retail licenses for social equity purposes.


Consumer Protection & Business – 2/4/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm D
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2516– Creating the secure choice retirement savings program.


Consumer Protection & Business – 2/5/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm D
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2367– Concerning subscription service legal defense funds.


Consumer Protection & Business – 2/7/2020  8:00 AM 

House Hearing Rm D
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2367– Concerning subscription service legal defense funds.


Education – 2/3/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2589– Requiring contact information for suicide prevention and crisis intervention organizations on student and staff identification cards.


Education – 2/4/2020  3:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. E2SHB 1660– Concerning the participation of students who are low income in extracurricular activities.


Education – 2/6/2020  8:00 AM 

House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2660– Increasing the availability of school meals provided to public school students at no student cost.


Environment & Energy – 2/3/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm B
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2892– Authorizing the department of ecology to regulate greenhouse gas emissions associated with persons who produce or distribute fossil fuel products that emit greenhouse gases in Washington.


Environment & Energy – 2/4/2020  3:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm B
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2550– Establishing net ecological gain as a policy for application across identified land use, development, and environmental laws.
  2. HB 2427– Tackling climate change as a goal of the growth management act.
  3. HB 2892– Authorizing the department of ecology to regulate greenhouse gas emissions associated with persons who produce or distribute fossil fuel products that emit greenhouse gases in Washington.


Finance – 2/3/2020 11:00 AM

House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA
Public Hearing:

  1. ESSB 6492 – Addressing workforce education investment funding through business and occupation tax reform. (If measure is referred to committee.)


Finance – 2/4/2020  8:00 AM 

House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2907– Authorizing counties with populations over two million to impose an excise tax on business.

Executive Session:

  1. ESSB 6492 – Addressing workforce education investment funding through business and occupation tax reform. (If measure is referred to committee.)


Finance – 2/5/2020  8:00 AM 

House Hearing Rm E
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2898– Concerning housing benefit districts.


Finance – 2/6/2020 1:30 PM
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA
Public Hearing:

  1. HB 2486 – Extending the electric marine battery incentive.
  2. HB 2848 – Changing the expiration date for the sales and use tax exemption of hog fuel to coincide with the 2045 deadline for fossil fuel-free electrical generation in Washington state and to protect jobs with health care and retirement benefits in economically distressed communities.

Finance – 2/7/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm A
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:

  1. HB 2497 – Adding development of permanently affordable housing to the allowable uses of community revitalization financing, the local infrastructure financing tool, and local revitalization financing.
  2. HB 2620 – Expanding the property tax exemption for new and rehabilitated multiple-unit dwellings in urban growth areas.
  3. HB 2634 – Exempting a sale or transfer of real property for affordable housing to a nonprofit entity, housing authority, or public corporation from the real estate excise tax.
  4. HB 2746 – Concerning affordable housing incentives.
  5. HB 2797 – Concerning the sales and use tax for affordable and supportive housing.
  6. HJR 4212 – Providing for community redevelopment financing in apportionment districts.

Possible Executive Session:

  1. HB 2797 – Concerning the sales and use tax for affordable and supportive housing.
  2. HB 2746 – Concerning affordable housing incentives.
  3. HB 2620 – Expanding the property tax exemption for new and rehabilitated multiple-unit dwellings in urban growth areas.
  4. HB 2486 – Extending the electric marine battery incentive.
  5. HB 2848 – Changing the expiration date for the sales and use tax exemption of hog fuel to coincide with the 2045 deadline for fossil fuel-free electrical generation in Washington state and to protect jobs with health care and retirement benefits in economically distressed communities.
  6. HB 2606 – Providing a business and occupation tax credit for financial institutions issuing loans for affordable housing programs.
  7. HB 2907 – Authorizing counties with populations over two million to impose an excise tax on business.


Health Care & Wellness – 2/4/2020 1:30 PM

Possible Executive Session:

  1. HB 2426 – Protecting patient safety in psychiatric hospitals and other health care facilities.
  2. HB 2457 – Establishing the health care cost transparency board.
  3. HB 2642 – Removing health coverage barriers to accessing substance use disorder treatment services.
  4. HB 2662 – Reducing the total cost of insulin.


Human Services & Early Learning – 2/5/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm C
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2873– Concerning families in conflict.


Innovation, Technology & Economic Development – 2/4/2020  10:00 AM 

House Hearing Rm C
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2856– Concerning a moratorium on facial recognition technology.


Innovation, Technology & Economic Development – 2/5/2020  8:00 AM 

House Hearing Rm C
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Work Session

  1. Consumer Protection Act as an enforcement mechanism for privacy-related violations.

Executive Session

  1. HB 2742– Concerning the management and oversight of personal data.


Labor & Workplace Standards – 2/4/2020  3:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm E
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2814– Developing best practices for the child care industry as recommended by the child care workforce commission.

Possible Executive Session:

  1. HB 2511 – Providing labor protections for domestic workers.
  2. HB 2740 – Concerning the employment of individuals who lawfully consume marijuana.


Public Safety – 2/3/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm D
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2576– Concerning private detention facilities.
  2. HB 2793– Vacating criminal records.


Public Safety – 2/6/2020  8:00 AM 

House Hearing Rm D
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session

  1. HB 2793– Vacating criminal records.


State Government & Tribal Relations – 2/4/2020  1:30 PM 

House Hearing Rm E
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. HB 2551– Permitting students to wear traditional tribal regalia and objects of cultural significance at graduation ceremonies and related events.


State Government & Tribal Relations – 2/5/2020  1:30 PM 

Executive Session

  1. HB 2747– Establishing the state microanimal.