First bills signed into law + Fix our Ferries townhalls this weekend

Dear friends and neighbors, 

Great news — Governor Inslee has signed three of my bills into law: 

  • Working Connections Child Care (HB 2111) clarifies eligibility for subsidized childcare to better support Washington’s working families. 
  • High School Graduation Standards (HB 2110) streamlines graduation requirements to reduce confusion for students, parents, and teachers. 
  • Healthcare Workforce Expansion (HB 2355) cuts unnecessary red tape to certify more radiological technologists and provide early detection to save lives. 

Fix our Ferries townhalls continue tomorrow Saturday, March 16th 

Hope to see you at one (or both!) of tomorrow’s events: 

  • 10am Kingston Village Green 
  • 1pm Poulsbo City Hall 

We had a great turnout last Saturday in Bremerton and Bainbridge… you can read the KUOW recap. Join us tomorrow and bring your questions, complaints, and suggestions! 

As always, it’s an honor to represent Kitsap as your State Rep. 

Take care,