What a Week! Your 2024 Legislative Session Update with Rep. Greg Nance

Dear neighbors, 

This week Governor Inslee delivered his State of the State address. Washington is strong and resilient, but we face big challenges, including rising cost of living that especially hammers our working-class neighbors. 

The Gov highlighted soaring childcare costs and lack of access for too many working families. He’s right. We need an all-hands-on-deck approach in Kitsap and across the state. I want what you want – a Washington that works as hard as you do. That’s why one of the first bills I sponsored as a lawmaker makes it easier for working families to know if they qualify for childcare subsidies. 

HB 2111 – Working Connections Child Care 

I was honored to present my first bill, Working Connections Child Care (HB 2111), that clarifies eligibility for existing state and federal subsidized childcare. Every working family who qualifies should be able to access childcare aid easily and quickly. 

Childcare is an issue that doesn’t follow party lines – it affects families all across Washington. That’s why House Democrats and Republicans are coming together to find common ground and work together because we’ve got to deliver for Washington’s hard-working families.  

This bill was passed out of committee unanimously. The next step is to hear the bill on the House floor so members can vote to pass the bill to the Senate. 

Survey on Childcare 

Has the childcare shortage impacted you or a family you know? Sharing your experiences not only helps me understand better how we can tackle the problem, it provides real-life examples that I can highlight in floor speeches and during committee hearings to make the case for change. Take a few minutes to fill out this short, four-question survey to share your experiences. Click here to take the survey. 

You work hard. So should your government. 

A lot of folks have shared with me that they’re frustrated by how complicated processes can be when trying to navigate permitting, or even high school graduation. I get it, which is why I’m working with my colleagues here in the legislature to try and simplify and speed up processes for things like habitat restoration project permitting (HB 2085) and getting a high school diploma (HB 2110).  

We also know that affordable housing isn’t just a big city problem, yet often rural areas are left out of the conversation. HB 2353 would give unincorporated areas in counties the opportunity to create affordable housing even when the proximity requirements for transit and higher education aren’t met. 

Keep an eye on my Facebook page to see when any of these bills are up for a committee hearing, or visit https://app.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/ to find more information on a specific bill. 

Catch me on the Capitol Ideas Podcast, available for listening now

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Dan Frizzell for his Capitol Ideas podcast last week, and that episode is now available to stream! We covered a wide range of topics, including what inspired me to become a State Rep., and some of the things I hope to achieve this session. You can give it a listen here: Capitol Ideas Podcast.

Engage with your democracy, and come see me in Olympia

Getting involved in the legislative process is easy and is the best way to ensure that your government represents you. Here are a few ways you can get involved: 

You’re always welcome to reach out to my office by email or phone, and if you are in Olympia please come and see me!

I’m honored to serve you.