Press Releases

Fix our Ferries town hall this weekend – join us! 

Dear friends and neighbors,

We are on pace for over 3,000 cancelled ferry sailings this year. That’s why I introduced House Bill 2492 to start fixing our ferries and earn back public trust in Washington State Ferries (WSF).  

The bill would establish the WSF 75 commission to:  

  • Evaluate dedicated funding sources for WSF’s sustained financial strength and reliable service;  
  • Evaluate scope of services including passenger-only ferries to meet present and future community needs; 
  • Complete the first statewide economic impact study of ferry disruptions so we can make a data-driven case to Congress for federal funding which we’ll need to rebuild the WSF fleet. 

The WSF 75 commission would be composed of four legislators, four ferry riders, and representatives from labor, WSF, and the Governor’s office.   

After trying to operate an underfunded system for decades, this is an important first step in rebuilding American’s largest ferry fleet and recruiting a new generation of WSF crew. 

We need your help to make it happen… Please join us tomorrow for the Fix our Ferries townhall in Bremerton! 

I’d love to see you tomorrow at the Fix our Ferries townhall I’m hosting in Bremerton. I’m looking forward to your tough questions and suggestions. I’ll share a Roadmap to Fix our Ferries that I’ve been working on with House Transportation Committee colleagues and you’ll have a chance to sign-on in support to show state leaders how ferry disruptions impact our community and why we must invest in transparent, accountable leadership.   

If you’re planning on attending, let me know by clicking here to RSVP.  

As a reminder, you can follow my Facebook page for up-to-date information about what I’m doing in Olympia this session and you can always reach me by email: 

Together, we’ll fix our ferries.  

New Nance bill would create Washington State Ferries Commission to study ferry delay impacts

OLYMPIA—Washington is home to the second largest ferry system in the world and the largest system in the United States, yet riders have been plagued by cancelled sailings due to an overworked and overwhelmed ferry system.  

Rep. Greg Nance (D-Kitsap), represents a district that relies heavily on ferry transportation for connection to the mainland with terminals in Kingston, Bainbridge, and Bremerton. Today the freshman legislator introduced House Bill 2492 to start fixing our ferry system. 

The bill would establish the Washington State Ferries 75 commission to evaluate dedicated funding sources for sustained financial strength and reliable service. Preliminary findings would be due to the legislature by January 2025 with final recommendations submitted by June 1, 2026 (WSF’s 75th birthday). The WSF 75 commission would be composed of four legislators, four ferry riders, and representatives from labor, WSF, and the Governor’s office.  

“We’ve chronically underfunded our system for decades,” said Rep. Nance. “An unreliable ferry service means folks miss work, miss school, miss medical appointments, miss rent. Neighbors are hurting so we need to work together to fix our ferries.”  

The first statewide economic impact study of reduced ferry service is also mandated by the bill, with a report due to the governor’s office in September of this year. 

“We’re missing out on federal funding because we don’t have the data and documentation to make our case to congress.” Rep. Nance said. “The statewide economic impact study is the first step to getting the federal funding we need to rebuild America’s largest ferry fleet and recruit a new generation of WSF crew.” 

The bill has bipartisan support from members who represent districts with and without ferry service.  

First bill from Rep. Greg Nance passes House floor

OLYMPIA—Working parents across Washington are facing a shortage of affordable, available childcare that is making it tough for moms and dads with babies and toddlers to stay in the workforce.  

Today the Washington House of Representatives unanimously passed House Bill 2111 (Working Connections Child Care), introduced by Rep. Greg Nance (D-Kitsap) that clarifies provisions helping low- and moderate-income people access childcare. 

“I hear from working families across Kitsap that the childcare they need just isn’t there, or it’s way too expensive,” said Rep. Nance. “Back home in Kitsap, and across the state, we see the same challenge: working moms and dads can’t work without affordable, accessible childcare.” 

“Clarifying the requirements for eligible families to access Working Connections Childcare will allow parents to get back to work with peace of mind knowing that their kids are in safe hands,” Nance explained. 

The bill also includes clarification around eligibility requirements for student parents at accredited education institutions or apprenticeship programs.  

“We have parents who are paying more in childcare than they pay in tuition,” Rep. Nance said. “This support is crucial to parents who are pursuing an education, often holding down a job at the same time to provide for their family. Let’s help our working, learning moms and dads pursue their dreams and make childcare one less thing they have to worry about.” 


Join Rep. Nance at the Fix our Ferries town halls this weekend!

Dear friends and neighbors,

Fix our Ferries town halls begin this weekend!  

Folks should be able to rely on our ferry system for regular, reliable sailings but right now they can’t. Things need to change. I hope you’ll join me at one of three upcoming town halls on Bainbridge, Kingston, or Bremerton to share your thoughts with me directly.  

Bring your complaints, questions or suggestions. I’ll be there to listen. Together, we’ll fix our ferries.    

On Saturday, January 27 you can find me at: 

  • Bainbridge City Hall from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
    280 Madison Ave N., Bainbridge Island 
  • Kingston Village Green from 1 p.m.-3 p.m.
    10878 NE West Kingston Road 

And on Saturday, February 3 you can find me at: 

  • Bremerton Norm Dicks Center from 12 p.m.-2 p.m.
    345 6th St, Bremerton 

Click here to let us know which town hall you’ll be attending, and to submit your questions ahead of time. Hope to see you there! 

MEDIA ADVISORY: Rep. Greg Nance hosting Fix our Ferries Town Halls Saturday 1/27

OLYMPIA – Representative Greg Nance (D-Kitsap) will host two Fix our Ferries town halls this Saturday, January 27 at:     

  • Bainbridge City Hall from 10 a.m. -12 p.m.
    280 Madison Ave N., Bainbridge Island 
  • Kingston Village Green from 1 p.m.-3 p.m.
    10878 NE West Kingston Road 

He will host an additional town hall on Saturday, February 3 at Bremerton Norm Dicks Center from 12 p.m. -2 p.m. (345 6th St., Bremerton). 

Constituents are invited to share their frustrations around the state of the Washington State Ferries (WSF) system as it is currently running.  

Folks should be able to rely on our ferry system for regular, reliable sailings but right now they can’t,” said Rep. Nance. “Things need to change.” 

Rep. Nance has been working with fellow lawmakers to develop legislation dealing with these issues. He will introduce a bill to address key issues plaguing WSF that is tentatively scheduled to drop on January 26.  

Investing in our maritime workforce and a 21st century ferry fleet are two solutions Rep. Nance has outlined in his pathway to fixing our ferries.  

“For too long, WSF was underfunded and now folks across Kitsap and the state are paying the price,” Nance said. “Our ferry system needs a solid financial foundation to deliver. Washington state has the second largest ferry system in the world. But we’re facing major headwinds. We’ve gotta work together to fix our ferries.”  

For more information, please contact Rep. Nance at 

Fix our Ferries Townhall this weekend

Dear friends and neighbors,  

We are more than a quarter of the way through the 2024 legislative session. The last few weeks have flown by with each day bringing new surprises and learning opportunities. Last week ended on a high note when I was elected as the House Democratic Caucus Assistant Whip. The best surprise joining the caucus is seeing the strong teamwork and how we work together to deliver for our neighbors.   

We need your help at a Fix Our Ferries Town Hall this weekend! 

Click here to let us know which town hall you’ll be attending! 

It’s no secret that our ferry system is broken. I’ve been listening to your stories and talking to ferry riders, WSF workers, and elected officials since I was sworn into office to identify root causes and explore potential solutions. I’d love to see you at one of the Fix Our Ferries town halls I’m hosting this weekend (Kingston and Bainbridge) to understand how ferry delays impact you. I’ll also share a Roadmap to Fix our Ferries that I’ve been working on with House Transportation Committee colleagues. You’ll also have a chance to sign-on in support to show state leaders how ferry disruptions impact our community and why we must invest in transparent, accountable leadership.  

Together, we can fix our ferries. Hope to see you there! 

You can stay up-to-date with the latest news by following my Facebook page.

Rep. Greg Nance elected WA House Democratic Caucus Assistant Whip

OLYMPIA—The House Democratic Caucus elected freshman lawmaker Rep. Greg Nance (D-23rd District) as Assistant Whip by a majority vote on Thursday, January 18. He was nominated by his seatmate, Rep. Tarra Simmons (D-Kitsap).  

“I’m honored to serve as Assistant Whip for the House Democrats,” said Rep. Nance. “The best surprise joining the caucus is seeing the strong teamwork and how we work together to deliver for our neighbors. I look forward to building strong relationships and working with my colleagues to uphold Democratic values and priorities.” 

As an assistant whip, he will work with members of his caucus to understand their positions on major issues and keep leadership aware of those positions.    

The newest member of the caucus, Nance has introduced several bills this session, with a focus on supporting Washington’s working families and young people across the state. He is the sponsor of HB 2111 Working Connections Child Care that clarifies provisions helping low- and moderate-income people access childcare that was unanimously passed out of the House Human Services, Youth & Early Learning Committee on January 12. 

Another bill, HB 2112, is scheduled for executive session in the House Postsecondary Education Committee on January 23. The bill provides for fentanyl and opiate prevention education for college students and requires schools to make fentanyl strips and Naloxone readily accessible by students and staff to prevent overdoses.  

“One pill can kill,” Rep. Nance said. “Fentanyl is so potent and often people don’t even realize they’re taking it. Raising awareness on the dangers of fentanyl poisoning is the first step but we need an all-hands-on-deck approach to turn the tide and protect Washington’s youth.” 


What a Week! Your 2024 Legislative Session Update with Rep. Greg Nance

Dear neighbors, 

This week Governor Inslee delivered his State of the State address. Washington is strong and resilient, but we face big challenges, including rising cost of living that especially hammers our working-class neighbors. 

The Gov highlighted soaring childcare costs and lack of access for too many working families. He’s right. We need an all-hands-on-deck approach in Kitsap and across the state. I want what you want – a Washington that works as hard as you do. That’s why one of the first bills I sponsored as a lawmaker makes it easier for working families to know if they qualify for childcare subsidies. 

HB 2111 – Working Connections Child Care 

I was honored to present my first bill, Working Connections Child Care (HB 2111), that clarifies eligibility for existing state and federal subsidized childcare. Every working family who qualifies should be able to access childcare aid easily and quickly. 

Childcare is an issue that doesn’t follow party lines – it affects families all across Washington. That’s why House Democrats and Republicans are coming together to find common ground and work together because we’ve got to deliver for Washington’s hard-working families.  

This bill was passed out of committee unanimously. The next step is to hear the bill on the House floor so members can vote to pass the bill to the Senate. 

Survey on Childcare 

Has the childcare shortage impacted you or a family you know? Sharing your experiences not only helps me understand better how we can tackle the problem, it provides real-life examples that I can highlight in floor speeches and during committee hearings to make the case for change. Take a few minutes to fill out this short, four-question survey to share your experiences. Click here to take the survey. 

You work hard. So should your government. 

A lot of folks have shared with me that they’re frustrated by how complicated processes can be when trying to navigate permitting, or even high school graduation. I get it, which is why I’m working with my colleagues here in the legislature to try and simplify and speed up processes for things like habitat restoration project permitting (HB 2085) and getting a high school diploma (HB 2110).  

We also know that affordable housing isn’t just a big city problem, yet often rural areas are left out of the conversation. HB 2353 would give unincorporated areas in counties the opportunity to create affordable housing even when the proximity requirements for transit and higher education aren’t met. 

Keep an eye on my Facebook page to see when any of these bills are up for a committee hearing, or visit to find more information on a specific bill. 

Catch me on the Capitol Ideas Podcast, available for listening now

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Dan Frizzell for his Capitol Ideas podcast last week, and that episode is now available to stream! We covered a wide range of topics, including what inspired me to become a State Rep., and some of the things I hope to achieve this session. You can give it a listen here: Capitol Ideas Podcast.

Engage with your democracy, and come see me in Olympia

Getting involved in the legislative process is easy and is the best way to ensure that your government represents you. Here are a few ways you can get involved: 

You’re always welcome to reach out to my office by email or phone, and if you are in Olympia please come and see me!

I’m honored to serve you. 


Roadmap to Fix our Ferries

Hello friends and neighbors, 

I hope you enjoyed your holidays and are ready for the new year.  

I’m writing to share an update ahead of the 2024 legislative session in Olympia. 

Thank you to everyone who took a few minutes to participate in the transportation survey in the last e-news. More than 220 of you responded and provided feedback. It’s obvious neighbors across Kitsap are frustrated with WSF and the unacceptable state of our ferries.  

Hearing your concerns and suggestions is the key first step towards better policy.  

This legislative session in Olympia, I’ll be working to: 

  1. Invest in a 21st century ferry fleet to reduce fuel costs and boost reliability
  2. Recruit and train a 21st century ferry workforce
  3. Demand increased transparency and accountability from WSF and state leadership  

I need your help to make this roadmap happen. Please take a few moments to read my Kitsap Sun editorial A Roadmap to Fix our Ferries that digs into each policy and shares how you can help. 

My core point is that we need you and your voice to bring change to WSF. Please follow our Facebook page and comment on my recent post to share how ferry disruptions have impacted you and your family. (Facebook is also a good way to stay updated and provide ongoing suggestions). You can always email our office too: 

My job as State Rep is to amplify your voice in Olympia; this is how we drive better policy and real change. Together, we’ll fix our ferries. 

Wishing you and your family all the best for 2024. 


December Update and Transportation Survey


The legislative session starts January 8th, and amid the flurry of the holidays I’ve been preparing for my first session as a lawmaker in a few different ways. 

First – listening. From sports and community events to visiting schools, small businesses, chambers of commerce, tribal hatcheries, homeless shelters, affordable housing developments, fire stations, and non-profits, I’ve had great conversations with neighbors across Kitsap about what issues matter most and our priorities for our community.  

One of the most frequent topics is transportation – Washington State Ferries, Kitsap Transit, our state highways, walkable and bikeable communities – and how we can make sure all our systems work together safely and reliably. In fact, if you have a minute, I’d love to hear from you right now with a two-question survey on transportation. Click here to access the survey. Your answers will help me understand how I can better advocate for our district as a lawmaker.

The second way I prep is coffee. Lots of coffee. If you haven’t had a chance to join me at one of my coffee chats over the last few weeks, there’s still a chance before session starts! I invite you to join me in your neck of the woods at any of the dates below to chat about the issues facing our community, and your thoughts and suggestions for making things better. 

Finally, I’ve been doing a lot of reviewing and researching. I’ve been diving into the State Transportation Budget to better understand how state dollars get spent, how projects are prioritized, and how we maintain our transit infrastructure. I’ve read through Washington State Ferries and Kitsap Transit long-range plans to better understand needed state investments and opportunities to leverage federal funding.  

This year is a short session meaning we only have 60 days to pass legislation before the Governor adjourns (called Sine Die). During short sessions, lawmakers tend to revisit bills that didn’t pass during last year’s long session (105 days). I’ve been reviewing bills that will probably come to the floor this year, and researching what legislation will be most impactful for Kitsap. I’ll make sure to keep you posted on legislative updates as session gets underway. 

I hope you’re enjoying your holidays. As always, I’m honored to serve as your State Rep., and look forward to seeing you in the community.  


First bill from Rep. Greg Nance passes House floor

OLYMPIA—Working parents across Washington are facing a shortage of affordable, available childcare that is making it tough for moms and dads with babies and toddlers to stay in the workforce.  ... READ MORE

Join Rep. Nance at the Fix our Ferries town halls this weekend!

Dear friends and neighbors, Fix our Ferries town halls begin this weekend!   Folks should be able to rely on our ferry system for regular, reliable sailings but right now they... READ MORE

MEDIA ADVISORY: Rep. Greg Nance hosting Fix our Ferries Town Halls Saturday 1/27

OLYMPIA – Representative Greg Nance (D-Kitsap) will host two Fix our Ferries town halls this Saturday, January 27 at:      Bainbridge City Hall from 10 a.m. -12 p.m. 280... READ MORE

Fix our Ferries Townhall this weekend

Dear friends and neighbors,   We are more than a quarter of the way through the 2024 legislative session. The last few weeks have flown by with each day bringing... READ MORE

Rep. Greg Nance elected WA House Democratic Caucus Assistant Whip

OLYMPIA—The House Democratic Caucus elected freshman lawmaker Rep. Greg Nance (D-23rd District) as Assistant Whip by a majority vote on Thursday, January 18. He was nominated by his seatmate, Rep.... READ MORE

What a Week! Your 2024 Legislative Session Update with Rep. Greg Nance

Dear neighbors,  This week Governor Inslee delivered his State of the State address. Washington is strong and resilient, but we face big challenges, including rising cost of living that especially... READ MORE

Roadmap to Fix our Ferries

Hello friends and neighbors,  I hope you enjoyed your holidays and are ready for the new year.   I’m writing to share an update ahead of the 2024 legislative session in... READ MORE

December Update and Transportation Survey

Hello,  The legislative session starts January 8th, and amid the flurry of the holidays I’ve been preparing for my first session as a lawmaker in a few different ways.  First... READ MORE

First 50 Days with Rep. Nance

Hello,  It’s nice to meet you! I’m Greg Nance, your new Washington State Representative for the 23rd Legislative District. I was appointed by the Kitsap County Board of Commissioners in... READ MORE

Representative Greg Nance Appointed to Education, Transportation Committees

OLYMPIA—Rep. Greg Nance (D-23rd District) has been appointed to the House Education Committee, the House Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee, and the House Transportation Committee. The House Education Committee considers... READ MORE