Budget Recap: A Path to Shared Prosperity

WSU Medical School Bill Signing

Bill Signing

Rep. Riccelli and bill supporters gather around Governor Inslee at the signing of HB 1559

Greetings from your State Capitol. The House and Senate operating budgets have been released, and I was able to step away from activity to join Governor Inslee at the signing of House Bill 1559, my bill allowing WSU to create a new medical school.

A Spokane Medical School will mean better access to care in rural and underserved communities in Spokane and across the state. This has been a true dance of legislation and it took the help of many other legislators, and so many in our community, to make this happen. It was an honor to stand beside the Governor as the bill was signed into law. I am thrilled to help bring this vision to fruition.

Read about the Medical School

House Budget Promotes Shared Prosperity

St. Anne's Children & Family Center

High quality early learning programs like the St. Anne’s Children & Family Center in Spokane help ensure all kids get a strong start.

It’s easy to get lost in weeds with the numbers, but at the end of the day, the budget is about values. It’s about the quality of life we expect for our families, friends, neighbors, and community members. It’s about people.

The House Budget fully funds K-12 education while promoting family-wage jobs and core services communities need to thrive, including:

  • $3.2 Billion to fully fund K-12 education
  • $227 Million to expand high quality early learning opportunities for kids
  • $100 Million for new mental health capacity so people in a crisis get the help they need
  • $9.6 Million to restore State Food Assistance and alleviate hunger

It also makes some key investments for our community in Spokane:

  • $6.75 Million for a new WSU Medical School
  • $500,000 for the Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force
  • $400,000 for the NW Autism Center
  • $188,000 for the Medical Program serving victims of child abuse at Partners With Families & Children

Our Kids, Our Business

I believe we need to close corporate tax loopholes to create opportunities for Washington’s kids.

Senate Budget Underfunds Key Services


The Senate Republicans’ budget fails to make many of these investments, shortchanging seniors, working families, and people struggling to make ends meet. Specifically:

Their budget doesn’t fund important programs to keep kids fed, like Breakfast After the Bell or State Food Assistance.

Our budget invests significantly more than the Senate Republican proposal in early learning. High-quality early learning is proven to be one of the best investments we can make in closing the opportunity gap and ensuring the success of future generations in school, college, careers, and beyond.

Meanwhile, the Senate chooses to stick with the status quo–leaving our middle-class and working families to bear the burden while protecting the wealthy few.

Among other things, the Senate Republican budget takes money away from the Public Works Assistance Fund. That’s money that creates jobs and is supposed to fund projects that support clean drinking water, protect our environment and preserve our public health and safety. And they divert recreational marijuana taxes from health and drug awareness programs to meet their bottom line.

The GOP-led Senate claims to balance their budget by cutting programs that create jobs in Washington state. And while our proposal will literally send kids to college, by increasing the state need grant and freezing tuition, they cut the state need grant and file the money back into the general fund.

Side-By-Side Comparison

Instead of asking the very-wealthy to pay their fair share in taxes, the Senate Republicans are raiding dedicated accounts and cutting services that benefit everyone, including our most vulnerable.

The costs are too high. As these conversations move forward, I will continue to promote a fair budget that makes Washington work for all of us, not just the wealthy few, and that strengthens communities so our children can flourish. It is an honor to serve you.

Best Regards,

Marcus Riccelli

Representative Marcus Riccelli
3rd Legislative District – Spokane