A message from Marcus: The 2018 session begins

Back in Olympia

The 2018 legislative session is off to a great start here in Olympia. It’s a short session – 60 days – but despite the condensed timeline I have a lot on my plate. I’ll be working on highly anticipated legislation from last year as well as bringing forward new ideas to better serve Spokane. Read on about a couple of bills I’ve sponsored or co-sponsored.



Fighting the opioid epidemic

This week, my bill to help address our state’s opioid crisis has a public hearing. House Bill 2325 would require health care practitioners to review the controlled substance history of their patients before prescribing opiates or benzodiazepines. Since 2011, the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) has enabled Washington practitioners to view a database that lists the controlled substances each patient has been prescribed by other providers. Still, 70% of Washington practitioners have failed to register for the PMP. My bill would make it mandatory for practitioners to check the PMP for cases of controlled substance overuse.

Breakfast after the bell

On Wednesday, House Bill 1508 – known as “breakfast after the bell” – passed the House with strong bipartisan support. It will ensure high-needs schools offer breakfast to kids after the bell rings. There are children in our community who only get a meal when their school provides one.  “Breakfast after the bell” will ensure our kids have access to nutritious meals and can focus on their education. I was proud to co-sponsor this important legislation.

Upcoming telephone town hall

telephoneTogether with Rep. Timm Ormsby and Sen. Andy Billig, I’m hosting a telephone town hall on Tuesday, January 23rd at 6:00 PM. We’ll be calling constituents and answering your questions during the event. Spokanites without land lines can still opt-in and join the discussion by clicking on this link, then clicking the “Let’s Talk” tab. Just add your name, phone number and email, and you’re ready to take part in the event. I look forward to hearing from you!


Meet my staff: Kylie Johnson

My intern this session is Kylie Johnson. Kylie is a senior at Eastern Washington University, studying Public Relations. She grew up in Spokane. Kylie is passionate about health care policy and is excited to be a part of the 2018 session and see positive outcomes for the 3rd Legislative District.

Learn more about the House intern program here.


Best regards,

Riccelli signature




Representative Marcus Riccelli
3rd Legislative District – Spokane